Fractal Design Node 605
As much as we liked the idea, we're beginning to accept the fact that home-theatre PCs will never be more than a hobby for a ...

PowerColor Radeon HD 7870 Myst
AMD's Radeon HD 8000-series desktop GPUs are still some way off, according to numerous reports circulating the web. We believe you won't see cards available ...

Corsair Hydro Series H100i
Corsair's Hydro Series H100 is getting a little old in the tooth, but it's still one of the best all-in-one liquid-cooling solutions to date, and ...
Top-selling tablets this Christmas according to Twitter "stats"
Did Apple iPads outsell Microsoft Surfaces ...
Windows 8 modern UI gets VLC player thanks to Kickstarter
VLC for “Metro” zoomed past £40,000 ...
Google aims to snag 90 per cent of Microsoft Office users
Google Apps are gaining traction in ...
- USB thumb drive aimed at both Android device and PC owners
- AMD chief engineer, an employee since 1988, defects to Samsung
- Acer to launch a $99 Android tablet in early 2013
- Marvell Technology hit by $1.2bn patent verdict
- Google picks the best Android apps of 2012
- Flexible peel-and-stick solar cells developed
- BlackBerry X10, BlackBerry Z10 and a mystery BlackBerry device
To celebrate the launch of its brand-new Aivia Forums, Gigabyte has teamed up with HEXUS to give our readers the chance of winning some high-end ...
Competition closing date: 18 January 2013, 23:59