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Review: Gigabyte 3DAurora 570 system chassis

by Matt Davey on 12 November 2007, 09:49

Tags: 3DAurora 570, Gigabyte (TPE:2376), PC

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaj4l

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Conclusions, HEXUS Certification & Awards and HEXUS.right2reply

Some enthusiasts might not include the Gigabyte 570 on their shortlists but, from our own hands-on experience and the results of our testing, we tend to think that's a serious mistake.

Gigabyte has built a high-quality solution for high-end kit that includes nearly everything you need right out of the box.

We really like the fact that both mesh and clear side options are there right out of the box. Thanks to this Gigabyte innovation, buyers can save a lot of money. It would be nice to see other makers being more generous of spirit and coming up with copycat solutions.

The thermal performance of the chassis was pleasing, too, especially around the CPU area. The fact that Gigabyte has included pre-routed cables out of the box also helps make it easy to build a system with efficient airflow.

At a bit over £100 for the silver version, the Aurora 570 is by no means cheap - and the black version can cost £10 more, which isn't an unusual situation but is still a mystery to us.

In comparison, the Antec P182 is around £85 and the Cooler Master Stacker 830 a pretty serious £163. Then you need to factor in Lian-Li but that company doesn't tend to 'do' windows on its cases, let alone two different types.

Our criticisms of the Aurora 570 case are pretty limited. Not having a removable PSU fitting plate does make it harder than it should be to install and remove a large power supply and we think Gigabyte needs to rethink that element of the design given that it's highly unlikely to buck the unfortunate trend for not fitting removable top panels.

And, being picky, we'd like to see some significant use of noise-absorption material around the HDD area.

Overall, though, we were very impressed with the Gigabyte Aurora 570. The design is simple, yet effective and most of the features we'd look for are there, along with some that we'd not expected but welcomed.

HEXUS Awards

The 570 fully merits a HEXUS Extreme Recommended award and is a case we'd definitely include on our own shortlist. Nice one, Gigabyte!
Extreme Recommended award
Gigabyte 3DAurora 570

HEXUS Where2Buy

The Gigabyte 3DAurora 570 is available from YOYOtech for £104.34 including VAT.

HEXUS Right2Reply

At HEXUS.net, we invite the companies whose products we test to comment on our articles. If Gigabyte chooses to respond, we'll publish its commentary here verbatim.

But, just like Gigabyte, you can have your say. So don't forget to comment on this review in the HEXUS.community.

HEXUS related reading


Gigabyte Aurora 570 home page

HEXUS Forums :: 12 Comments

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Wahey, thats my case!!

Just a quick thought. I found that with the perspex in, the airflow from the 2 rear fans seemed next to nothing. I put the grill in, and then I could feel the air blowing out…
I like the fact that they made the window what is imo a sensible size - I hate seeing the backs of drive bays in windows.
Entirely subjective, but man they make some ugly cases. I all for function over looks and so on, but not to the point where something actually repulses me. :P

If I'm honest I've not seen a CoolerMaster case I'd consider since the WaveMasters, which while still looking rather nice, are dated now. :(
Not wanting to seem aggressive or in some way putting down the review but in the temperature tests how exactly with the CPU under load did you record any temperatures less than ambient? This is obviously impossible without the use of a TEC or a phase change cooling system. And out of interest what program/utility are you using to record the temperatures?
I need to check on that - I am out on the road at the moment with no access to my datasheets although I do beleive that CPU idle temperature is a typo on the chart.

Will double check on that when i get back in a few hours.