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Xperia X10 Android 2.1 update delayed yet again

by Sarah Griffiths on 24 September 2010, 09:51

Tags: Sony Ericsson

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Unhappy bunnies

While the blog does seem to strive to give a more accurate update on the delay, many Xperia owners are rather miffed by the lack of apology and at the time of writing there were over 800 related comments on the posting.

A number of disappointed customers said they feel they have been misled over the phone's os credentials. 

One person posted: "How many of us would have bought the X10 if we knew it will be stuck on Android 1.6? Why would a high end product that is at the very top of price list be stuck at an outdated software? It just does not make sense."

Many were angry they felt they had been treated rather like guinea pigs.

"If Sony Ericsson was not ready to deliver a functional product then they should not have released a half-baked solution to the market and made promises they cannot fulfil...Sony Ericsson should not have released the X10 before proper thought and development," blasted another customer.

There are scores of posts from customers who seem to regret buying the handset, with many people saying they wished they had bought an HTC or Motorola offering.

"We all would have been better off with either of those companies," said one X10 owner, while another warned: "You really need to fire the people who are responsible for this delay! They are destroying your company!"

Thanks to Phil for the news tip.

HEXUS Forums :: 5 Comments

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All those people ranting that if they knew this is how Sony would support these phones, they would have brought from HTC - Since when did Sony support and update their phones well.

Sony have had a poor reputatution for build quality and support on their phones for a while. If the owners of these phones had done their research well, they would not have brought a phone from Sony in the first place.

The X10 series have never been a good bunch of phones compared to other phones in the same market and price points.
My first hexus tip off! I feel famous - Its almost makes up for the poor software support of the phone - Well actually it doesn't - I'm still fuming. You've kinda got wonder what SE think people buying android phones are looking for? We don't need fancy social apps - we can download them by the bucket load from the market place SE!
All those people ranting that if they knew this is how Sony would support these phones, they would have brought from HTC - Since when did Sony support and update their phones well.

Sony have had a poor reputatution for build quality and support on their phones for a while. If the owners of these phones had done their research well, they would not have brought a phone from Sony in the first place.

The X10 series have never been a good bunch of phones compared to other phones in the same market and price points.

Thats easy to say after the fact - I can safely say I'd have a desire now (which I had researched) if it had been in stock when I purchased - I just listen to sales man's banter about it getting android 2 shortly and it having the better screen (only second time in my life I've fallen for a sales man's tactics).
Sony have had a poor reputatution for build quality and support on their phones for a while. If the owners of these phones had done their research well, they would not have brought a phone from Sony in the first place.
Half right - yes, SonyE have a poor rep for support, but then again can any smarta** point at a phone maker that doesn't (And if anyone says “Apple”, I'll track them down and insert a hardcopy version of my extensive - and ultimately unsuccessful - discussion with Apple Support in a place where it'll bring tears to their eyes). On the other hand, opinion seems to be that the phone hardware of the various SonyE devices are (with a few exceptions) up to par.
The X10 series have never been a good bunch of phones compared to other phones in the same market and price points.
That's just such a crock - the X10Mini/MiniPro's especially seem to get pretty good marks. Last review I saw - in Linux User and Developer mag - rated the ‘pro 5/5 providing SonyE got the update done. Likewise Android Central’s comments were along the lines of ‘great hardware held back by out of date OS’. T3 mag's comment "But the Xperia X10 cannot be judged solely on its older edition of Android. This is a truly stunning smartphone and undoubtedly Sony Ericsson’s greatest design achievement to date. In terms of looks and build, only the HTC Legend comes close when you consider the current crop of top end mobiles.“ (and then follows up with a complaint about the old OS). And so on…

And that's part of what's really steaming the X10 users - yes, we KNOW the hardware's good, but what's the point if the software isn't! Kind of like getting an OC'd i930 and then finding out that the box's running Windows2000. :wallbash:

Of course the other part of the fury-causing equation is Sony's apparent lack of control - first it was ”due Q4“, then it's ”due end-Q3“, and now it's ”end October" which effectively is back where we started. Got to wonder whether the Q4 timescale was generated by the engineers, but marketing (pauses to spit) decided that earlier was needed.

As you can probably tell, I'm not in the best of moods… :censored:

Thats easy to say after the fact - I can safely say I'd have a desire now (which I had researched) if it had been in stock when I purchased - I just listen to sales man's banter about it getting android 2 shortly and it having the better screen (only second time in my life I've fallen for a sales man's tactics).
Hmm, my sales droid kept pointing me at the Galaxy Portal (a worse phone as far as I was concerned). Just wish the Galaxy S had been available at that time - okay the GS is a plain ugly slab - but the specs are pretty decent.
Dell Streak ran 1.6 at launch and has got glowing reviews not just about screen, battery life and software.