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Review: Crysis - PC

by Nick Haywood on 15 November 2007, 00:57

Tags: Crysis, Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:EA), PC, FPS

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HEXUS.afterburner - food for thought

In the main review I mentioned that I’d had issues with Crysis under Windows Vista and DX 10, now’s the time to expand on that a bit.

Now I’m not claiming to be some uber-PC guru but at the same time I know my way around a PC and I know that the easiest route to avoiding driver nightmares is to uninstall drivers yourself. I even have software specifically for the job… but aside from the difficulties I experienced running Crysis, the issues I’ve had with NVIDIA drivers and Vista in trying to get Crysis to run go beyond anything I’ve experienced before.

Now I think that the blame for this can be squarely laid at the feet of both NVIDIA and Microsoft for not working on a solution quickly enough. I’m sure I won’t be alone in experiencing poor framerates and eventually black screens, hang-ups and drops to desktop to name but a few of the problems. Surprisingly, in writing this review and checking some of the issues, I found that the latest NVIDIA beta drivers are actually written for the Patch 1 version of the game, not due for release until around the 25th November… but these are the very drivers we’re supposed to use now.

What is most annoying is that no-one seems to know why these problems are occurring. It’s not a question of mainboard drivers, those are up to date. I’m running the latest WHQL drivers from NVIDIA and Vista is fully up to date (except for all those language pack updates). I’ve even been through the hotfix list on NVIDIA’s site but still had terrible problems getting Crysis running under DX10.

And the real kicker is I’m fairly technically adept with a PC but imagine the problems Mr Average is going to have. And this raises the issue of tech support for Mr Average because as soon as he installs beta drivers, he loses his tech support until he removes them and drops back to WHQL drivers… which Crysis won’t run under.

So, after reinstalling Vista, and then immediately updating to Forceware 169.04 betas, I finally got Crysis running. But why oh why, on a game sponsored by NVIDIA under its ‘The Way It’s Meant To Be Played’ program, am I subjected to all this hassle? Especially as NVIDIA apparently have members of its software development relations team embedded in the Crytek studios... You can bet that there’s going to be a lot of gamers asking the same question come Friday unless something is done by either NVIDIA or Microsoft very soon.

Oh and for the record, the XP install was seamless and, apart from having to update to the 169.04 betas drivers, everything worked perfectly first time out.

So what of these issues? Before publishing this review, we did some digging… Our intelligence is that several weeks ago Crytek substantially made some significant changes to the Crysis code which had profound implications for graphics technology providers. indeed the word used to describe these eleventh hour changes to HEXUS was "irresponsible".

This and the fact that it was EA who apparently decided which build/variant of the Crytek code would be released to manufacturing, seems likely to initially leave early purchasers of Crysis with a less than optimal game playing experience; no matter whether they're running ATI or NVIDIA graphics accelerators. Until that is, Crytek release its Crysis Patch 1 in a few weeks time. Patch 1 apparently provides game tweaks, such as the ability to turn motion blur on or off but in the main is about general performance optimisations which didn’t make it to the gold version before it went to the replicators.

But the state of play (pardon the pun) right now is that the NVIDIA 169.04 BETA Vista drivers which people may be encouraged to run on the first shipping version of Crysis, are the drivers that are apparently optimised for Crysis Patch 1, and that it seems there are people in the know who think that these NVIDIA drivers are too early for the version of the game shipping and, until patch 1 ships, people could have problems. Quite what these problems may be, whether it be performance issues all the way up to random hangs, we can’t say.

We'd let you know, definitively, whether you’d experience a better, similar or worse experience with an AMD based rig with ATI graphics, but I don’t yet have one.

So, if you’re running NVIDIA graphics and want play Crysis, what are our recommendations for now and before Patch 1 is released ?

Firstly, if you’re running Windows XP then, er, seriously consider sticking with it for present. And if you do then we suggest running the NVIDIA ForceWare Release 163 device drivers which are WHQL Certified.

Since staring this review, NVIDIA released the 169.09 beta drivers, which the test system was duly upgraded to and, whilst there appeared to be an overall improvement in framerates, volumetric smoke effects are still causing problems and the new drivers fix none of the other graphics issues mentioned in the review.

If you’ve already made the brave jump to Windows Vista then, from everything we’ve seen so far in terms of stability with Crysis (and a whole raft of other DX10 games) is that, whilst not ideal, you should probably try running the NVIDIA ForceWare Release 169.09 BETA. But as we’ve said above, there seems to be a lot of work yet to do to before you’ll have an optimal gaming experience. Indeed whilst writing this sentence, and having paused Crysis by pressing the ESC key, (Vista DX10/NVIDIA 169.09 Beta) and then resuming my monitor from stand-by, Crysis reappeared in windowed as opposed to full screen mode... *sigh*

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Loving it so far, runs better than the demo, but still a bit iffy in places, then again there were parts I was completely amazed there was no slowdown.

Only thing that really bugged me so far; I walked into a wheelbarrow and died, not saved in a while. Still really engrossing and absolutely gorgeous.
For sure, when it's all running Crysis is an masterpiece of gaming… but there's no rose tinted glasses being worn for this review… and Crysis most definitely needed more development time.
You forgot to mention that the ending is a big piece of suck tho :( I will say no more, but I was all fired up and enjoying myself, then the credits rolled and I was at first confused and then annoyed :(

Graphics were ace, I spent most of the first few levels creating big distractions to split the guard groups up, so that I could pick them off one at a time and chuck them about…. Throwing koreans off a cliff is my personal favourite, with grabbing one and going for a swim being my second.

The alien models (especially in THAT cutscene, again say no more, you'l know it when you see it) seem oddly undetailed compared to everything else….it would have been nice if they hade some substance……tho I guess it kind of works….and the ones everones seen in the demo are of course great to fight.

A few things that bugged me in an overall very good game were:
The ai….on more than one occasion alerted soldiers could be found stuck constantly trying to walk forwards into walls/rocks/trees etc. As the hexus review mentioned, trying to hide in water was anther common one, and at one point i saw a korean jeep bringing reinforcements RUN OVER two unalerted koreans on patrol who were stood in the road….
Finally, Super Soldiers….why can they take 5+ sniper rounds to the face, or multiple clips of ak47 fire, or several rockets, but die if I grab them with strength mode and punch em….?
I also did not enjoy a certain vehicle based level at all, but only because I suck at flying :P

Positives? Well, everything else really, I really couldnt stop playing - it had me hooked, and that doesnt happen very often. I hope a patch fixes some of the ai oddities, and il fire it back up again for a replay.
Overall tho, the game was a lot of fun, and i think like i did with oblivion, having played it through now with graphics turned down to cope, when next gen hardware hits thatl run 1600x1200 at very high with AA and AF I will definately take this game for a second or third spin :D
vrykyl, yep, you're spot on.

The thing is, part of what made Crysis enjoyable, and why, despite the problems with bugs, graphical artefacts and AI, I still gave it Editor's Choice is becuase you want to see what happens next.

I didn't mind flying though, and the Zero-G stuff is just superb… but I didn't want the review to spoil it for players, which is why I was deliberately vague on that… part of the fun is playing to see what happens next, I'm not going to take that away from anyone.
yup, the zero g worked a lot better than the flying imo….mainly I think because like in the multiplayer beta flying requires a stupid amount of keys to be pressed at once, and my POS old logitech keyboard cant register more than 3 at a time….. not crysis' fault, but flying did feel unnecessarily complicated.

Like you, not wanting to spoil the game for anyone, for those who like me felt the alien/mutant/creatures from farcry grated a bit and didnt quite feel right, dont worry - the aliens and zero g in crysis are almost spot on perfect (lack of graphic detail on said creatures being the only gripe).
This aint no Half Life Xen moment, it actually works nicely

Buy it, play it, Love it :D