Dragon Age II uses Release Control not SecuRom, says EA.
by Steven Williamson
on 14 March 2011, 12:59
Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:EA),
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A website called Reclaim Your Game, set up to investigate the use of invasive DRM in videogames, recently accused Electronic Arts of using the scheme without properly informing consumers.
"We have CONFIRMED from testing that it DOES contain SecuROM, and that it DOES leave files behind. We can also confirm that nowhere on the package, in the EULA or on the Website for the game is thee [sic]. ANY mention of the inclusion of SecuROM. EA had been ordered by the courts to disclose the use of SecuROM on any game that uses it. And it is contradictory of what Bioware has been saying for the last 3 weeks." EA has now issued an official statement to clear up the issue.
Dragon Age II does not use SecuROM DRM. Any statements made to the contrary are false. The confusion stems from the use of Release Control which is also made by Sony. Release Control was employed to protect the game against usage prior to its release date. These are two different technologies with different purposes. Release Control in no way affects users’ rights to access after launch, and its executable automatically deletes itself once the Release Control process is finished. For more information, please visit: http://support.ea.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/4921.
Looks like Reclaim Your Game were wrong in this instance, but after investigating Dead Space 2, which launched earlier this year, it did find evidence of SecuRom being used, and EA has yet to step forward to deny it.