Crytek working with Move, Natal and 3D
by Steven Williamson
on 19 April 2010, 11:51
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Crytek isn't yet revealing what it has planned, but CEO Cevat Yerli has outlined its commitment to both Move and Natal via in an interview with Develop.
It also appears that Crytek is readying itself for the launch of 3D gaming, telling Develop that it is taking the technology "very seriously."
"It certainly adds a lot to a number of games. Depth perception in an FPS really changes the game and makes it a lot more enjoyable. I think people are starting to wake up and take notice that 3D is on its way, it’s not long before developers are taking advantage of it,” commented Yerli's colleague Carl Jones.
You may remember that Crytek recently patented the name Self Defense. Could this be the first motion-sensing game from the company? No doubt we'll hear more later in the year as the marketing campaigns from Move and Natal move into full swing. It should be a momentous E3 this June with Microsoft, Sony and other developers all set to showcase their wares.