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Review: ASUS Sabertooth X79 TUF motherboard

by Tarinder Sandhu on 21 November 2011, 08:33 4.0

Tags: ASUSTeK (TPE:2357)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qa75g

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Final thoughts and rating

The Intel X79 chipset's job is to support a couple of Sandy Bridge-E chips launched just the other day. It's manifestly clear to us that Intel has spent the majority of platform time on the CPU, as the chipset, while perfectly functional, requires motherboard manufacturers to invest in bountiful third-party controllers to bump up the feature list. That's galling when enthusiasts just know that X79 is hardly a value proposition.

ASUS understands that Intel's high chipset pricing means that retail X79 boards aren't likely to cost below £150. So close to the nascent launch there's little point in skimping and saving on features that might shave a few pennies off the cost, because we'd just complain that the fastest consumer PC platform should be chock-full of goodies. Commensurately, the £250 asking price for the Sabertooth X79 TUF, while expensive, is in line with other manufacturers' premium offerings, and ASUS adds plenty of company-specific bells and whistles.

There's a lot to like; the generally good layout, super-slick BIOS, SSD caching technology and excellent fan-control and general monitoring features add real value, if you can call £250 value. However, X79 boards will make a lot more sense as prices begin to drop and the quad-core Core i7 3820 chip is released. Until then, if you want a performance board for that shiny Core i7 3930K or Core i7 3960X processor just begging to be put in the online basket, we recommend taking a good, hard look at the ASUS Sabertooth X79 TUF.

Bottom line: not perfect by any means, the X79 TUF is still a solid board equipped with an excellent BIOS.

The Good

Lots of ASUS goodies
BIOS is the best in the business
Designed for overclocking

The Bad

Expensive, but that is the nature of the X79 beast
Some cheeky auto-overclocking can come into play

HEXUS Rating

ASUS Sabertooth X79 TUF

HEXUS Awards

ASUS Sabertooth X79 TUF

HEXUS Where2Buy

The reviewed board is available to purchase here.

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HEXUS Forums :: 4 Comments

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“but remember that Intel has now stripped away the need for a traditional southbridge - everything's contained in one chip.” (p2)

You mean northbridge I think.

Good catch with the asus auto overclocking - other reviews have mentioned the same, though I remember a couple of manufacturers doing the same thing with 775 boards as well, adding more work to the reviewing process. Auto OC is fine if it's not part of a power user setting - if there's no disadvantage to it and it adds to the customer experience, but it should be in a clearly explained BIOS mode (which can still be the default) with the availability of a ‘pure’ mode preset which turns off all the auto tuning.
A nice board but 40mm fans. What on earth were they thinking of. More and more consumers want lower noise and 40mm just whine.

A fan over the IO looks completely pointless - a gimmick and the other one I can replace with a water cooling block.

Please sir can we have more motherboards with right angled 24 ATX
There's something very serious looking about this board. I like that.
There's something very serious looking about this board. I like that.

The AMD 990FX sabertooth looks alot nicer and refined. The X79 one looks way over the top.