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Review: MSI GT70 Gaming Series laptop

by Parm Mann on 24 May 2012, 09:00 4.0

Tags: MSI

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qabg2z

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Final thoughts and rating

If it's extreme mobile performance you're after, look past the current surge of Ultrabooks and take a long hard glance at MSI's GT70. Designed primarily for gaming and doubling as an extremely-capable multimedia workstation, this behemoth demands attention by combining a third-generation Intel Core processor with high-end NVIDIA graphics and a RAID SSD storage system.

Needless to say, the hardware configuration delivers outstanding performance; the GT70 feels lightning quick during everyday use, and it quite happily plays the latest games on a bright, full-HD 17.3 display that's thoroughly enjoyable when viewed head on. MSI has paid close attention to each underlying component - everything from the Blu-ray writer to the backlit keyboard and Dynaudio 2.1 sound system is in position to impress - but the overall package is tainted by a mostly-plastic chassis that's behind the times and a couple of niggling issues that aren't befitting a Ā£2,100 system.

The internal fan, for instance, can get obtrusively loud, and the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670M GPU - though admittedly quick - is technically a rebadged 500-series part that isn't quite as cutting-edge as its name suggests.

It seems MSI's eagerness to be first to market with a gaming-grade Ivy Bridge laptop has left the GT70 just a touch rough around the edges. These are early days for Ivy Bridge laptops and you get the feeling a steady stream of successors with true Kepler GPUs will soon follow, but if you must have a mobile powerhouse and you must have it now, you'll be hard pushed to find one that's better equipped and on the market today.

The Good

Excellent all-round performance
High-speed SSD storage
Respectable battery life
Convincing audio
Good keyboard and trackpad
All the trimmings; Blu-ray writer, USB 3.0

The Bad

Very expensive
Gets noisy at times
Chassis looks dated

HEXUS Rating


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HEXUS Where2Buy

The reviewed MSI GT70 laptop is available to purchase from Scan Computers*.

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*UK-based HEXUS community members are eligible for free delivery and priority customer service through the SCAN.care@HEXUS forum.

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