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Review: MSI GT70 Gaming Series laptop

by Parm Mann on 24 May 2012, 09:00 4.0

Tags: MSI

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qabg2z

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Power Consumption and Battery Life

Here's an interesting stat; power consumption while playing back a high-def movie clip isn't particularly high at 32 Watts. This is because NVIDIA's Optimus technology has been tweaked to keep the discrete GPU in standby for less-intensive tasks - video playback is handled entirely by the integrated Intel HD 4000 IGP.

Being able to use only the Intel IGP for everyday tasks enables the GT70 to continue looping our high-def video for a respectable three hours and 39 minutes. A good return for a laptop as powerful as this, but note that battery life will reduce dramatically when the discrete NVIDIA GPU is called upon.