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NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 review - bringing the best from Fermi

by Tarinder Sandhu on 8 December 2010, 09:21 4.5


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Final thoughts and rating

Fermi done right

The introduction of the GeForce GTX 570 GPU solidifies NVIDIA's high-end line-up for 2010. Sensible tweaks in the Fermi architecture and a revised cooler makes this second-rung 500-series card a genuinely better bet than the previous champ, GeForce GTX 480. It's just as fast in games but, importantly, is cheaper, quieter and less power-hungry - thereby rectifying all that was wrong with first-generation Fermi.

Knockout potential

Due to be priced at £289 - though we expect partners to come in lower - and therefore over £100 cheaper than the range-topping GeForce GTX 580, the new mainstream performance card from NVIDIA is very good in all respects. Had this GPU been made available in March 2010, rather than the problem-ridden GTX 480, we'd have hugely impressed. As it is, price reductions from the AMD Radeon camp - especially the end-of-life HD 5870, available for £190 - and the emergence of high-quality multi-GPU setups means that GTX 570 isn't quite the five-star knockout it could have been if launched earlier in the year.

Muddy waters

We still don't know just how well AMD's upcoming Radeon HD 6970/6950 'Cayman' cards will compete against the GTX 5x0 duo, but what we can say is that NVIDIA's Fermi architecture is finally showing its true worth. Finishing off this review with the oft-used lament; we just wish there were more triple-A games available to take advantage of the hardware horsepower delivered by NVIDIA and AMD.

The Good

This is what GeForce GTX 480 should have been
Very quiet for a truly high-end GPU
Overclocks well

The Bad

AMD Radeon HD 6970/50 looms large
Not solely NVIDIA's fault, but where are the triple-A games to justify investment?

HEXUS Rating

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 1,280MB

HEXUS Awards

HEXUS Recommended
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 1,280MB

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HEXUS Forums :: 30 Comments

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Excellent review, it will be interesting to see what they start retailing for. Hopefully they will come in at £275 or so, while I couldn't justify the extra £85 or so from the 5870, or £130 over the GTX460 1Gb. It gives buyers, who are willing, an excellent incremental step up in performance for a realistic and cost effective price (when considered within this performance range). This card represents a performance level just over the bell curve which I suspect a lot of enthusiasts would be willing to fork out for, and why not if yuo can afford!

Let's see what the red team can offer in response :)
scan has the palit gtx 570 for £277.97 and ebuyer have the palit gtx 570 for £279.00 both pre order
Probably just me being stupid, but what's a Triple-A game?
Great to see the power draw figures lower, great looking card.
Triple-A game is industry shorthand for a truly excellent, must-have title. The PC needs genuinely brilliant games to justify the expense of high-end cards. Xbox 360 and PS3 both have quality exclusive titles.
Probably just me being stupid, but what's a Triple-A game?
It's the game equivalent of your summer blockbuster - a large budget game that is designed to be (and might only be profitable if) bought by a large portion of the market.

We need popular games to push the boundaries to make these kind of cards make sense - think Crysis. It's not good if the only games that push graphics are small affairs that not many people buy (like Metro 2033), or if the AAA games use outdated graphics (like most of them).

If digital publishing really gains traction we might see an improvement. Otherwise we'll have to wait till the next gen of consoles comes out.