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Dell Streak 10 arriving in China first

by Hugo Jobling on 9 June 2011, 17:19

Tags: Dell (NASDAQ:DELL)

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Dell's previously-leaked 10in Streak 10 tablet won't be coming to the UK (or the US for that matter) particularly soon.

In a post on the company's Direct2Dell Blog, Dell's President of China and South East, Amit Midha, confirmed that the company is indeed developing a 10in Android-based tablet, but it isn't destined for our shores initially; instead the Streak 10 Pro, as the device is to be named, will initially launch in China, with launches elsewhere to be evaluated in the second half of 2011.

Dell is being surprisingly open as to the reasoning behind this decision - in a nutshell, in China the Streak 10 Pro will be a significantly different offering to what is currently available, whereas in the US and Europe, we've already seen out fair share of Android-based 10in tablets.

What Dell doesn't explicitly state, but must be considering, is that these developing countries represent a huge, and largely untapped, market of potential customers, who have yet to be exposed to the branding and marketing of rival brands' tablets that the US and Europe are familiar with - or the products themselves.

Plus, Dell says, delaying a launch in the US and Europe gives developers on the Android platform time to built up an application ecosystem, and gives third parties time to optimise their services for Android.

In addition to the news of the Steeak Pro 10, Midha also let slip a further interesting confirmation, as well as that Android-based device, Dell is also working on a Windows 7-based tablet PC "for enterprise customers," which is due out later this year. Unlike the Android-powered tablet, we'd expect a Windows 7 device to come over to the US and Europe before China.

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