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Samsung accuses Nvidia of false advertising

by HEXUS Staff on 13 November 2014, 15:00

Tags: Samsung (005935.KS), NVIDIA (NASDAQ:NVDA)

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Two months ago, September 4th to be exact, Nvidia pursued legal action against Samsung with the allegation that all Galaxy devices equipping Qualcomm Adreno, ARM Mali or Imagination PowerVR graphics were infringing upon Nvidia’s intellectual property. Nvidia revealed it had tried to negotiate an out-of-court settlement with Samsung to no avail, with Samsung claiming the problem was for its suppliers to deal with.

Fast forward two months and Samsung has retaliated with legal action of its own against Nvidia. In a swift public response Nvidia’s chief administrative officer and secretary, David Shannon, labelled Samsung’s move as "predictable and unfortunate." Samsung’s legal action accuses Nvidia of six patent violations and false advertising, while Nvidia’s business customer Velocity Micro has been hit with an additional two patent violations.

Samsung’s complaint of false advertising appears to be a particularly bitter pill for Nvidia to swallow. Samsung alleges Nvidia’s declaration that the Tegra K1 processor is “the world’s fastest mobile processor” is false and misleading. Samsung counter-claims that its Exynos 5433 processor is faster in several benchmarks.

Unsurprisingly, Nvidia has offered benchmark results to back its claim that the Tegra K1 is the world’s fastest mobile processor.

As far as Samsung’s claims of multiple patent violations go, Nvidia is still preparing its formal response. The six technical patents cover aspects of chipset and memory control, among other things. Samsung’s legal action seeks an unspecified amount of damages and for Nvidia to end its alleged infringements of Samsung patents.

“Samsung’s action does not change our analysis, or our determination. Our patent lawsuit in the ITC is moving forward and remains a far more serious problem for them,” claims David Shannon.

What are your thoughts on this latest lawsuit? Are 'patent wars' getting out of hand?

HEXUS Forums :: 14 Comments

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Patent wars got out of hand at least 10 years ago.
r.e. the false advertising. those Nvidia results do show that the Exynos 5433 is faster in the first 3 tests. so why are Nvidia claiming they're faster, when their own results show they aren't.

in order to claim ‘worlds fastest’ it has to be in all areas, unless Nvidia are saying those tests don't matter atall, so why have they even run those benchmarks.?

they should change the tagline to:
'worlds fastest mobile processor, except in this test, and that one and that one aswell'
r.e. the false advertising. those Nvidia results do show that the Exynos 5433 is faster in the first 3 tests. so why are Nvidia claiming they're faster, when their own results show they aren't.

in order to claim ‘worlds fastest’ it has to be in all areas, unless Nvidia are saying those tests don't matter atall, so why have they even run those benchmarks.?

they should change the tagline to:
'worlds fastest mobile processor, except in this test, and that one and that one aswell'

How about “Tegra K1 - amongst the fastest mobile processors in the world”? And is it just me or do NVidia's graphs contain an heck of a lot of graphics benchmarks.

Patent wars these days are (mostly) about getting (unfair) commercial advantage - spoiling the competition - rather than any genuine desire to protect intellectual property.

That said, I'll repeat my earlier comment about the NVidia v's Samsung spat. Did NVidia genuinely offer fair terms for the tech in question (in which case I'm for them) or “doing an Apple” and trying to enforce patents that anyone with common sense would say were bogus.
Nvidia is the new Apple these days?
Are there any Samsung phones that utilize a nvidia chip ?
Coke tastes better than Pepsi… just ask any one of our 20 hand picked testers… Papa Johns - better ingredients, better pizza…

People aren't, in general, that stupid. I hope not, anyway. And comparing the Nexus 4 to the Shield is like comparing a Ferrari to a Ford Pinto… the best you can say is they are both cars, and both have parts with the same names. Too much fanboi already, and this is a new posting.