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What next for the Mortal Kombat franchise?

by Steven Williamson on 27 January 2009, 09:32

Tags: Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, Midway Games, Beat 'em up

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Following the news today that the latest title in the Mortal Kombat series, Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe, has sold approximately 1.8 million units, Midway Games has confirmed that it is working on another title in the popular fighting series.

Many thought that by taking Mortal Kombat away from its hardcore roots fans of the series would be disappointed at the lack of gore and the influx of new characters, but it looks like battles such as Batman vs Sub-Zero and Superman vs Scorppion have proven to be a big hit. What next though for the franchise?

"Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe was the result of countless hours of hard work by many people, and seeing the game surpass the million-seller plateau makes it worth all the effort," said Ed Boon, Mortal Kombat co-founder and creative director, Midway. "We're already hard at work on our next version of Mortal Kombat, and look forward to being able to reveal more details in the future."

Mortal Kombat vs The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, perhaps?

HEXUS Forums :: 15 Comments

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I thought Midway had gone to the wall
I thought Midway had gone to the wall


TBH I think unless their next one is jaw droppingly good (which I will put money on it not) it will be the end for them

Times have changed, The days of Mortal Kombat, Killer instinct, clayfighter, gods of war and to a point tekken are over. Only ones that seem popular still are street fighter (flogging a very alive cash filled horse….) and tekken/soul caliber and a couple of others seem to do ok like DOA (but horrendous film)

TBH I think unless their next one is jaw droppingly good (which I will put money on it not) it will be the end for them

Times have changed, The days of Mortal Kombat, Killer instinct, clayfighter, gods of war and to a point tekken are over. Only ones that seem popular still are street fighter (flogging a very alive cash filled horse….) and tekken/soul caliber and a couple of others seem to do ok like DOA (but horrendous film)
how can you say such a thing about DOA the movie.

it had me and the missus in stitches throughout the entire movie, we just couldn't stop laughing at the horrendous acting. and really poor storyline.

TBH I think unless their next one is jaw droppingly good (which I will put money on it not) it will be the end for them

Times have changed, The days of Mortal Kombat, Killer instinct, clayfighter, gods of war and to a point tekken are over. Only ones that seem popular still are street fighter (flogging a very alive cash filled horse….) and tekken/soul caliber and a couple of others seem to do ok like DOA (but horrendous film)

do you even know what god of war is or are you just throwing that one in there for the hell of it?
do you even know what god of war is or are you just throwing that one in there for the hell of it?

Sorry I was meaning war gods, had a brain fart

Wasn't reffering to the Sony game with Kratos