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Netflix is also testing cheaper single-device subscriptions in UK

by Mark Tyson on 3 January 2014, 13:00

Tags: Netflix, Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN)

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Recently it was in the news that Netflix was trialling a new pricing model in the USA, which varies depending upon the number of simultaneous connections to the service you require and on the definition of the video you are willing to accept. It now looks like that trial is also being implemented in the UK, so let's have a look what is on offer.

Price in UK / USA per month



£5.29 / $6.99


SD only

£5.99 / $7.99


HD available

£8.99 / $11.99


HD available

From the table I have compiled above it is quick and easy to see what you can get for your money in both the UK and USA. Until 2013 Netflix was a purely one-size-fits-all service at a standard price of £5.99/$7.99 per month. That plan still exists and features in the middle of the table above. However it seems like market research by Netflix has shown that there are a significant number of users who are willing to pay more to enable more streams and also a group of people who just want to watch the Netflix shows on a single device and SD quality is fine for them.

Focussing upon the new lower price offering it was previously asserted by a Netflix representative talking to Techradar that such an option would not be available to UK residents. However both the BBC and PocketLint report that the £5.29 offer is on the table for people who have recently finished their one month free trial of the streaming service.

The Motley Fool thinks that the new Netflix plans have come about as the firm is worried about Amazon's Prime Instant Video threat in the USA, which costs $79 p.a. and includes free two-day shipping "on millions of items".

If you are interested in joining Netflix or are already a member in the UK you might be interested in the most recent spate of removals with around 500 films and TV shows due to be axed from the approximately 2,500 strong roster of content currently available. This is apparently a regular thing on Netflix as new material becomes available; ten new films and several new series have also been announced for upcoming availability.

Is anyone enticed by the new Netflix prices? I would like to see the rival Amazon Prime UK service be united with its LoveFilm streaming subscription, similar to the US offering mentioned above.

HEXUS Forums :: 8 Comments

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Currently on the 4 stream service for CA$11 a month (I was living in Canada when I originally signed up :P) and I could actually do with an extra stream.

I'm all for giving peoples options but I can't see many people cutting to 1 stream and SD only for a mere 70p a month. Just give your parents/flatmate/friend/otherhalf access to your normal account and ask them for £1 a month. Everyone wins.
What is the point of the £5.29 service? It's only 70p cheaper than the HD, 2 stream service. It seems totally pointless and should be no more than £4 a month. Even then i could still see more people paying the extra for the HD service.
I currently pay the £5.99 for 2 stream HD service and have done for a while now, don't see the point in SD streaming now. All our elderly relatives have HD TV's now replacing old CRT ones so most standard households now will all be HD.

I use the service on my PC, phone and PS3, only use 1 stream at a time so guess I am covered by the 2 stream, guess it must mean 2 simultaneous.
For that price I agree with with others have said. If it was under £5, then there would be some psychology in the pricing, “now less than a fiver a month”.
I use the service on my PC, phone and PS3, only use 1 stream at a time so guess I am covered by the 2 stream, guess it must mean 2 simultaneous.

Yep its simultaneous streams, not number of devices on it.

I currently have 4 profiles on my netflix account. Me, Flatmate, Mum, Dad.

My account is used on at least the following: 3x Tablets, 2x Roku, 3x Phones, 1x PS4, 1x Chromecast, 1x SmartTV and a couple computers in 2 different houses.