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Crysis : New Screenshots

by Steven Williamson on 20 April 2006, 09:56

Tags: Crysis, Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:EA), PC, FPS

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HEXUS Forums :: 8 Comments

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Looks incredible. If this is anywhere near as good as Farcry then its going to be a must buy.
I wonder if this kind of graphic detail would murder my X1800XT, shred it to pieces, ground to minch.. then throw it into the woods to feed the wolves..

I would imagine only crossfire X1900XTs or SLI 7900GTXs would have the IQ to run stuff as graphically remarkable as Crysis..
It wont be out until the next generation of cards are (and vista)

It will need a beast of a system to run at the quality seen in the screenshots but will be perfectly playable on lower end systems- just without the lovingly rendered bells and whistles :D
It would be interesting to see what the specs of the pc that generated them were..
Indeed, to get the game looking beautifuly you will need a DX10 system.

April's EDGE had a feature on the game and it does indeed sound, on paper atleast, like a very promising game.

I can't wait ^^