Eat a ghost called 'Pinky'?
Pac_man World 3 features a whole new storyline set in the weirdy eerie Spectrum Realm (apparently bugger all to do with a ginger-haired bloke called Sinclair and ne’er a rubber keyboard in sight).
You can store your power-ups such as the Power Ribbon, Time Declerator and Chrome Power and supercharge them by collecting special fruits…

In a new move, you can now control a couple of the ghosts too, Pinky and Clyde to be exact, as you team up with your foes to defeat a new mutual enemy. And, in a cool twist, the complete 1980 original arcade game is included in this version. Well, not the cabinet of course, that’d just be silly, but you do get to use your uber-powerful super computer to run some 25 year old 8 bit code in 16 colours, cool huh?