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FallOut 3 publisher snaps up Rage

by Steven Williamson on 16 December 2009, 09:43

Tags: Fallout 3 , Bethesda Softworks, PC, Xbox 360, PS3, Action/Adventure

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Electronic Arts has dropped the publishing rights to Rage, id Software's first person shooter/driving game set in a post-apocalyptic world.

Bethesda Softworks. who were recently the driving force behind FallOut 3, has picked up game and say that development will be unaffected by the change.

That means Bethesda now has a busy year ahead of them with three big first person shooters due for release in 2010. The other two are Brink,which will feature a free-running system similar to Mirror's Edge, and Doom 4, an extension of the pioneering shooter that first launched in the early 90's.

HEXUS Forums :: 4 Comments

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Publisher != Developer.

(And neither are Interplay which you have pictured :p)
I know EA are not short of a quid but surely it's a bad move to not only lose Rage but id as well?
Publisher != Developer.

(And neither are Interplay which you have pictured :p)

schoolboy error.

Which pic?
Publisher != Developer.

(And neither are Interplay which you have pictured :p)

ah, you're refering to the fallout pic on main page? blimey you are quick that was only up there for about 5 seconds while I switched it! :):Oops: