Performance improvements
AMD has released a new Catalyst hotfix driver for Radeon HD3800 series of video cards, intended for the first person shooter Crysis. The Crysis hotfix should fix a number of performance issues and includes the following:# DirectX 10: Fixes texture flickering in bushes, clouds, trees
# DirectX 10: Performance improvements
# DirectX 9: Fixes Anti-Aliasing corruption seen on the ATI Radeon 2900 Series
# DirectX 9: Anti-Aliasing performance enhancements
# DirectX 9: Crossfire performance improvements
# DirectX 9: Fixes random graphics corruption during game play
Don't forget to check out Tarinder's review of Radeon HD3870 and Nick's in-depth review of Crysis.
Download: *windows vista32/64* *windows xp32/64*
Discuss the hotfix in the official Crysis thread in the HEXUS.gaming forums.