The HEXUS article outlining the early launch successes of Cyberpunk 2077 ended with a footnote about PlayStation 4 and Xbox One users being disappointed by the release. Despite CDPR delays and worker crunch on optimising the title for the multitude of platforms upon which it launched, not enough attention was given to these older consoles.
As noted last week some of the videos and stills shared by disgruntled PS4/XBO users were tragic, or laughable, depending whether you intended to play on one of these older machines or not. At the start of the week CDPR openly admitted that "we should have spent more attention making it play better on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One". It went on to promise two large patches to fix things up in the coming months (see statement screenshot above).
A few hours ago Sony went official with a pleasingly clear policy regarding refunds. "SIE strives to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction, therefore we will begin to offer a full refund for all gamers who have purchased Cyberpunk 2077 via PlayStation Store," says a statement on the Sony PlayStation site. "SIE will also be removing Cyberpunk 2077 from PlayStation Store until further notice." Of course there are T&Cs with regard to the refund, so if this issue affects you, and you don't want to wait for CDPR to fix things up, it is best to visit the refunds page and jump through the hoops.
Sony doesn't appear to have any stipulation about which PlayStation you have purchased Cyberpunk 2077 for. As far as I know it isn't such a terrible experience on the likes of the PS4 Pro or new generation PS5 consoles. However, it looks like gamers on these platforms will be free to get refunds if they wish.
Now, many are looking towards Microsoft to see if it will reveal a similar offer for its dissatisfied Xbox gamers. Gamers on PC apparently are the lucky ones with less serious bugs and performance issues in general. If you are on PC and are not happy though, there are still routes to a refund - depending upon how/where you bought the game. If all else fails you can contact CDPR on a dedicated email: before 21st December.
CDPR founders lose over US$1 billion
The above detailed mess isn't without consequence to CDPR of course. notes that the founders have lost over US$1 billion due to share price impacts from this launch issues / refunds news. Assuming the ship can be steered successfully through the troubled waters it might be a good recovery investment – no advice intended.