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Far Cry 5 raises US$310 million during its first week

by David Ross on 5 April 2018, 12:16

Tags: Ubisoft (LON:UBI)

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Ubisoft has a big winner on its hands with its release Far Cry 5 a week ago. Late yesterday the game publisher said that Far Cry 5 is the fastest selling title of the franchise so far. For example, it has delivered more than double the first week's sales of its predecessor Far Cry 4, making it Ubisoft's second biggest launch ever.

In an official news release this morning Ubisoft said that Far Cry 5 raised US$310 million in its first week. Greater than 50 per cent of sales were digital downloads - which provides enhanced profit margins, from between $5 to $15 extra profit per unit according to industry analysts.

Forbes compared the level of income Far Cry 5 has already achieved with other media, for context. It said that Black Panther's (US) domestic box office was US$292 million in its first week, making it the highest-grossing first week in Marvel Cinematic Universe history. Another interesting nugget, illustrating the popularity of Far Cry 5 at this time, is that Far Cry 5 video content on YouTube and Twitch garnered 117 million views during the last week.

"Far Cry 5, like the real Montana, is a vast and gorgeous playground filled with colourful stories for players to enjoy and share," wrote Laurent Detoc, President of Ubisoft Americas, in a press release. "We're grateful to newcomers and fans of the series who have joined us in Hope County and have collectively grown our community."

Understandably, Ubisoft shares have reacted well to the sales success of Far Cry 5. The shares opened up this morning with an instant 7 per cent gain, which is edging up, at the time of writing, to approach 8 per cent.

There are plenty of Far Cry 5 reviews and videos around the web, and they are largely very positive. Do HEXUS readers who have played this new title think that Far Cry 5 deserves the great success it has achieved?

HEXUS Forums :: 17 Comments

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Glad I didn't contribute to their copy/paste/reskin for £50-£100
Do HEXUS readers who have played this new title think that Far Cry 5 deserves the great success it has achieved?

Bought, played for nearly 2 hours, realised I still hate ubisofts boring copy & paste take on “open world” games, and refunded.

It's not a bad game, but its also not great..its just very average and feels like a copy & paste of FC4 with a slightly better setting but wtih all the same fundamental problems that FC4 had. Very much like most of the other games that Ubisoft have put out in recent years.

Still, brands sell as proven by many other franchises that pump out poor quality games yet sell millions of licences (looking at you COD, Assassin's Creed and well, EA in general). The problem is that if we keep buying them, they will keep making them. I am as guilty as the next at times…It's ultimately our own fault as gamers for putting up with it.

Easiest no-pain way to limit this is to just stop pre-ordering. It's not like you get any worthwhile bonus for doing so anyway (do you *really* care about that weapon skin or emote?), so why not wait for the real, non paid for reviews and make a call at that stage. I've really taken to watching Mack's reviews here - https://www.youtube.com/user/Worthabuyguys - I don't always agree with everything he says but he is very honest about his opinion and generally he turns out to be right about most games when you break it down.
Do HEXUS readers who have played this new title think that Far Cry 5 deserves the great success it has achieved?

Bought, played for nearly 2 hours, realised I still hate ubisofts boring copy & paste take on “open world” games, and refunded.

It's not a bad game, but its also not great..its just very average and feels like a copy & paste of FC4 with a slightly better setting but wtih all the same fundamental problems that FC4 had. Very much like most of the other games that Ubisoft have put out in recent years.

Thanks - that all the info I need to avoid. Couldn't finish FC3 based on repetitiveness and this sounds more of the same. I must be getting old as I'm really hating the direction mainstream gaming is going.
One can conclude that people just have too much money (or credit) and too little imagination.

btw, the screenshot of “Accolades” above listing (sponsored anti consumer) reviewers and 90%+ scores —- thank you for a list of sites to avoid in the future.
Do HEXUS readers who have played this new title think that Far Cry 5 deserves the great success it has achieved?

Bought, played for nearly 2 hours, realised I still hate ubisofts boring copy & paste take on “open world” games, and refunded.

It's not a bad game, but its also not great..its just very average and feels like a copy & paste of FC4 with a slightly better setting but wtih all the same fundamental problems that FC4 had. Very much like most of the other games that Ubisoft have put out in recent years.

Still, brands sell as proven by many other franchises that pump out poor quality games yet sell millions of licences (looking at you COD, Assassin's Creed and well, EA in general). The problem is that if we keep buying them, they will keep making them. I am as guilty as the next at times…It's ultimately our own fault as gamers for putting up with it.

Easiest no-pain way to limit this is to just stop pre-ordering. It's not like you get any worthwhile bonus for doing so anyway (do you *really* care about that weapon skin or emote?), so why not wait for the real, non paid for reviews and make a call at that stage. I've really taken to watching Mack's reviews here - https://www.youtube.com/user/Worthabuyguys - I don't always agree with everything he says but he is very honest about his opinion and generally he turns out to be right about most games when you break it down.

I do wonder sometimes who the hell buys this *rap…Ubi (and many other companies) substantially increased profit margins of their games (£100 for a game is ludicrious) so they need to sell less copies but still… I presume mostly young kids and people who rarely game and just grab something mainstream “popular” (due to marketing).

Last Ubisoft game I played was AC Syndicate. Somehow I managed to spend (waste) ~10h - probably because I live in London. But honestly I felt dirty at the end :) Ubisoft produces soulless and passionless products that have one and only one objective - generate money for the company. Saying that they are really good and polishing this turd - great graphics, marketing, paid reviews, new settings but essentially it's still the same hollow game(s).