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NVIDIA shows off five new Tegra 4-optimised games

by Mark Tyson on 28 February 2013, 12:30


Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qabtdf

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The NVIDIA Tegra 4 SoC isn’t due to be available in any devices on the market until late in Q2 2013 but it’s good to see NVIDIA getting lots of enhanced games software ready before launch time. Games will be very important to drive demand for the platform.

I am quite sure there will be more NVIDIA Tegra 4 devices made than there were using the Tegra 3; NVIDIA is pushing harder to succeed with the new SoC with initiatives such as; the Project Shield games console, the Phoenix smartphone reference platform and also a tablet reference design in partnership with SanDisk. Also we know the next OUYA will probably be powered by Tegra 4, by that time it may well be a rip-roaring success...

So what are the newly announced games?

  1. Burn Zombie Burn – previously available for PC and on Sony PSN
  2. Carie: Blood Mansion
  3. RPG CODEX: The Warrior
  4. Dead on Arrival 2
  5. RU Golf – enhanced from the Tegra 3 edition

You have plenty of action games above in the above list including a pair of top down blasters; Burn Zombie Burn and Dead on Arrival 2. Also there is an “over the shoulder” shooter in the shape of Carie: Blood Mansion. RPG CODEX: The Warrior is fighting game with RPG elements. RU Golf, obviously a golf game, will be getting a graphics overhaul with enhancements such as dynamic specular lighting, soft shadows, and bloom and lens flare effects on Tegra 4 chips.

Prior to these five games we already saw several demos featuring the Real Boxing THD Tegra 4 enhanced game and also the Zombie Driver game, again enhanced for Tegra 4.

Below I’ve compiled some screenshots from the five new Tegra 4 games.

Burn Zombie Burn

Carie: Blood Mansion

RPG CODEX: The Warrior

Dead on Arrival 2

RU Golf

HEXUS Forums :: 14 Comments

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The graphics look good but I'm fed up with these mildly disturbing female characters. They just had to use an almost schoolgirl looking character and focus on her legs and breasts didn't they? Made even worse by the fact that its a golf game and its supposed to be a graphics demo.
Its pathetic and hardly surprising the industry has trouble being accepted as a mature medium with this rubbish still going on.
I was just thinking the same thing george!
Maybe the paedophile/golf crossover scene is significant in Japan? “Touch to play” indeed.
Having been to Japan it's not seen as wrong in any way. I was really intrigued to see guys with mirrors on their shoes to look up skirts on the railways there…
The graphics look good but I'm fed up with these mildly disturbing female characters. They just had to use an almost schoolgirl looking character and focus on her legs and breasts didn't they? Made even worse by the fact that its a golf game and its supposed to be a graphics demo.
Its pathetic and hardly surprising the industry has trouble being accepted as a mature medium with this rubbish still going on.

I understand what you're getting at, however, I think you're entirely wrong (not trying to start anything, just throwing my own opinion out there). The reason the industry has trouble getting accepted is simple in my opinion. It's new and everyone wants to put the blame on an industry instead of on themselves or their kids. Do you really think an animated girl with big boobs and a short skirt is the problem? Maybe you do think that is the problem and you're entitled to your own opinion but is that not what you see in every other form of media? Books, film, comics, photography, magazines, music and other forms media depict women in the exact same way and worse. Magazines for example take photos of women in “sexy” poses and “sexy” clothing then photoshop the picture to an image that is impossible to attain. They make the model skinnier, make her boobs and ass bigger, get rid of any skin blemishes and those sorts of things. The music industry is full of musicians that sing and rhyme purely about drugs, alcohol, violence and murder. It's what they do in all forms of media this is simply the newest form to bash. Everyone is also now trying to blame all these shootings on video games just like they were trying to blame shootings on rock music before that. Countless tests and studies all come to the same conclusion, there is no correlation between the two. It won't be looked at differently until the older generations are gone and the younger generations take their places. Then at some point in the future when people stop blaming games they will just blame something else.

Like i said earlier though, this is just my opinion on the subject. Hopefully I didn't ramble too much and everything makes sense.