Those hoping to enjoy a touchscreen Pottermore experience on iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch have been frozen out of the fun thanks to the decision of the developers to use Adobe Flash Player 10+, which is unsupported by Apple iDevices, but is needed to take part in Wizard’s Duel activities and to make potions - two major features that Harry Potter fans will be keen to get involved in. Indeed Duel activities have already been taken offline temporarily due to unexpected high demand from users.

Cries can be heard across the Internet from bemused Potter fans who are wondering why their Apple products can’t cope with the full experience.
On Twitter some users have vented their frustrations:
knotunravelling - dear @pottermore: fix the flash programming! can't brew a potion if the "grab" doesn't work! #frustration
gavreads - @pottermore bad flash! HTML 5 please!
Shooshtastic - Pottermore via iPad #Sucks
With no sign of the creators making a u-turn on the use of Adobe Flash it appears that those with Apple iDevices are simply going to have to get their Pottermore thrills elsewhere.
Registration to Pottermore has currently been postponed to those outside of the beta phase while the creators iron out a few technical problems. The Pottermore interactive experience is set to be followed by the sale of Harry Potter e-Books, which have now been delayed until 2012, while the developers concentrate on opening the new site to the millions of Potter fans around the world.
Pottermore Insider will be the first to deliver news of the new registration process.