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The Simpsons offer their take on Apple products

by Parm Mann on 1 December 2008, 10:00

Tags: Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL), Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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Some might argue that The Simpsons has lost its magic touch in recent series, but last night's episode - the seventh of season 20 - had Matt Groening's creations doing what they do best; ripping big-name companies a new one.

This time around, Bart and co. set their sights on Steve Jobs' Apple corporation. Love or loathe the manufacturer, the following clips are what makes The Simpsons oh so special.

The complete episode is titled "Mypods and Boomsticks" and aired last night, November 30th 2008.

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Go Bart!
Lisa: “Oh such beautiful packaging. I never thought a company could be my soul mate.” :laugh:
Classic, good to see that The Simpsons is back on track.
Oh man, that just made my day. ROFL!
:D Ace ep.