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Acer: Windows 8 won’t bring “explosive growth” in October

by Mark Tyson on 17 August 2012, 13:30

Tags: Acer (TPE:2353), Windows 8

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qabk3f

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Acer CEO, J.T. Wang, doesn’t expect Windows 8 devices to bring “explosive growth” to the industry when the new OS launches in October. The world’s third largest PC maker, notably absent from the Windows RT device launch party, says consumers just aren’t very interested in the upcoming software and hardware innovations.

 During a conference call with investors earlier today Mr Wang said “We are still waiting for the signal of the consumers' enthusiasm.” He added that “Although everyone is preparing for the Windows 8 launch …there is a lot of reservation, and so we do not see the momentum for very explosive growth has been accumulated.”

Only yesterday we had news that Acer does plan to make some Windows RT devices but not just yet. A company spokeswoman told Computerworld that “Acer plans to incorporate Windows RT into our product roadmap, but we have not yet confirmed the timing of our product launches.” Today CEO, Mr Wang confirmed this by saying today “Our original plan is to introduce RT early next year. We have some projects ongoing. But we have to see what happens in the overall ecosystem.” He went on to explain that Acer is waiting to see Microsoft’s final decision on the pricing of the Surface for Windows RT tablet. The recent rumour/news regarding the $199 price tag of the Surface for Windows RT tablet would not be encouraging for Acer.

Acer’s Q2 figures have just come through and the company did bring in a moderate profit (US$1.9 million), low because of the weak “global economic situation”. Last month Acer lowered its 2012 growth forecasts from 10 per cent to between zero and five per cent. Analysts say that Acer is having a struggle to remain strong in Europe, its largest market, where HP, ASUS and Lenovo are doggedly chasing ever dwindling sales.

Is Acer one of the shrewdest PC makers for following a “wait and see” strategy before developing Windows RT devices?

HEXUS Forums :: 28 Comments

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Why should we invest in a new operating system when we have just got into working with windows 7, Very bad move on Microsoft's side of the business sector or is it just aimed at consumers that want the next new fashion of OPS…..

Nope i am sticking with Windows 7 as Windows 8 has nothing to offer me only loads of greif and pain in the A** software compatabilty problems…

If only Linux could make it possible for me to play all my windows based games on linux without the need for emulators then linux it would be……

If i was Acer's MD i would say to MS stick it where the sun don't shine sonny boy windows 7 is still strong……..
Why should we invest in a new operating system when we have just got into working with windows 7, Very bad move on Microsoft's side of the business sector or is it just aimed at consumers that want the next new fashion of OPS…..

Nope i am sticking with Windows 7 as Windows 8 has nothing to offer me only loads of greif and pain in the A** software compatabilty problems…

If only Linux could make it possible for me to play all my windows based games on linux without the need for emulators then linux it would be……

If i was Acer's MD i would say to MS stick it where the sun don't shine sonny boy windows 7 is still strong……..

Er, hello… There's 100% software compatibility…
Not that I'm disagreeing with the comment, but “CEO of company that is ****ed off at microsoft talks down the upcoming microsoft launch that they've dropped out of” is hardly earth-shattering news, any more than “MS exec declares that win 8 will be the biggest and best thing to happen to computers since the command prompt” type hyperbole.

A major, (relatively) neutral player saying thsi sort of thing might have more credence.

Meanwhile I think for MS - they either sell the ‘package’ of phone/tablet/(laptop and desktop) or it will struggle for the reasons c12038 (interesting choice of name btw) says above. Re: software/hardware compatibility issues - so far, I may just be lucky, but all my programs, peripheral and even games, from my Vista and Win7 computers have been plug n'play and (touch wood) trouble free on Windows 8 preview release. While I don't see this as a strong incentive for people to migrate alone, it would mean the product wouldn't b coming with the sort of hazard label Vista deserved for the first 6 months after release…
Acer is just peed off cause they cant compete, their products are shoddy and cheap but even their expensive stuff are cheap and nasty, all their stuff has died so I avoid acer like the plague, of course Acer will be peed cause if microsoft launch a cheap tablet it will destroy them as it will be amazing (if its the surface) and if its expensive they will have to compete on price, and again they will have the issue of providing a quality product :P.

Acer are useless, if it was Asus saying something like this then id actually take it as potentially important info!.
Why should we invest in a new operating system when we have just got into working with windows 7, Very bad move on Microsoft's side of the business sector or is it just aimed at consumers that want the next new fashion of OPS…..

If only Linux could make it possible for me to play all my windows based games on linux without the need for emulators then linux it would be……
+1 on this - I know fairly large orgs who have just switched to Windows7, so I can imagine that they'll not even be thinking of Windows8 yet. And as to Linux, I'm in the same boat as you - apart from games (and Photoshop Express) - I could switch to Linux full time, instead of 90%+ as it is at the moment. My attitude to Windows8 is:
John Brunner, Shockwave Rider
“There are two kinds of fools. One says, “This is old, and therefore good.” And one says, " This is new, and therefore better.”
And I've no wish to be labelled as the second kind of fool! :rolleyes: And to my mind Windows7 isn't “old”, (so I escape being labelled as the other kind of fool - unlike the folks still clinging to XP perhaps)
Acer is just peed off cause they cant compete, their products are shoddy and cheap but even their expensive stuff are cheap and nasty, all their stuff has died so I avoid acer like the plague. Acer are useless, if it was Asus saying something like this then id actually take it as potentially important info!.
I'll kind of agree - ALL the Acer computers I've dealt with (or bought) have developed hardware faults (usually screen/video related). On the other hand I've a relative who got an Acer monitor and it's quite good - maybe it was just rebadged? ;)