SCAN & Scancom Bluetooth the unaware at CTS
The hardest thing to do at any computer show is make yourselves stand out amongst the raft of various exhibitors. Of course you can have the obligatory booth babes to pull in the crowds, but what if you just don’t feel like spending money on such ‘accessories’?SCAN and Scancom proved that there is a new type of advertising that will, without a doubt, start to appear like a rash at shows all over the world. If there is one thing companies like its advertising and, without doubt, the best type of advertising is free.

Using a Bluetooth-broadcasting dongle that SCAN sell here, both companies were on the look out for people who know that Bluetooth is useful, but don’t quite understand the word security. The basic explanation is this, visitor walks into show, visitor has his/her Bluetooth switched on but has left the phone wide open by having it set to visible mode, visitor receives Bluetooth file transfer. Simple huh?

As you can see from out photographs, there were 109 phones left wide open, and in the two hours since the show had started Scancom had managed to deliver to 13 of them. Ok, so based on those stats is not amazing performance, but this was early in the day, and all Scancom had done was turn the laptop on, the little device did the rest.
I must admit, as soon as I saw it I made sure my Bluetooth was switched off, but that wasn’t because I was afraid to be sent an image or message, it was just that it had reminded me my battery was dying and I still had lots to see…..