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Second Microsoft store opening a quiet, dignified affair

by Scott Bicheno on 30 October 2009, 11:41

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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Steady on

When we attended the official launch of Microsoft's new operating system - Windows 7 - in central London last week, we were struck by the quiet dignity of the event.

Well it looks like this sober, mature approach has carried itself across the pond, with Microsoft ensuring the opening of its second store in Southern California, which happened yesterday, was blighted by none of the whooping, clapping and general hysteria that we might have previously expected from such an occasion.

According to a report in the OCregister, the opening was attended by none other than Microsoft COO Kevin Turner. It was also deluged by 1,000 Microsoft fans, who were in no way motivated to attend by the promise of seeing some Canadian pop star.

The added spice to this launch event is the apparent presence of an Apple store in the same mall. It's currently closed, but when the Apple store reopens we're sure we can expect to see it embrace the same spirit of understated reserve shown by Microsoft.

Not really. Here's how it actually went down, courtesy of the OCregister. Check out the haircut on the Apple fanboy:


HEXUS Forums :: 6 Comments

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so the show was about brainwashed nerds who are single and some “Justin” groupies….I've no idea who Justin is, nor do I want to know, but WOW, M$ know how to get the crowd in, they must've done a LOT of research. A lot of those people looked/sounded mentally challenged/learning disabled :(
so the show was about brainwashed nerds who are single and some “Justin” groupies….I've no idea who Justin is, nor do I want to know, but WOW, M$ know how to get the crowd in, they must've done a LOT of research. A lot of those people looked/sounded mentally challenged/learning disabled :(

You make it sound just like an Apple store opening- just replace Justin with Steve! ;)
Wow if Microsoft opened a store near me I'd be so excited I might actually visit the next time I happened to walk past the store on the way to useful shop!

Microsoft really really really shouldn't copy apple. Its what many people hate about apple and I don't think it'll win them any fans.
Wow get a load of that enthusiasm! :crazy:
Seems exactly like the bloody Apple store that just opened in Cardiff. Irritating!