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Phanteks Power Combo harnesses the power of two PSUs


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Imagine linking two 1,200W supplies, says product manager Boon Tuoh Khor.

Remember the Phanteks Power Splitter? The nifty little gizmo allowed users to drive two systems from a single PSU and the manufacturer is now flipping that idea on its head with the upcoming Power Combo. As the name suggests, this intriguing little device will combine the output of two power supplies for a single system - think of it as SLI for your PSU.

Phanteks sees various usage scenarios, including extreme enthusiasts wanting massive capacity for multiple GPUs, users wanting a second PSU for backup, or budget builders hoping to put together two low-wattage units as a cost-saving measure.

What do you think? Does the idea have merit, and can you think of any other potential use cases? Let us know in the comments below.

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Could work as a DIY christmas lights power source.
Such devices have been around for years.
In a world where SF make a stunning quality 2000w psu I'm finding it hard to see a place for this…
I can see one possible avenue, for the builder who wants to upgrade their system (say put in another video card) and have not quite enough power to run two. So to complete the job cheaply, they could get a second small PSU.
A usual wall socket will only supply 2400W (240V with a 10A fuse in Australia) and you still have to power the monitor(s), speakers, and other equipment plus anything else on that particular circuit. So you would have more to sort out than just putting 2 big wattage power supply's in a PC. We had some special separate circuit wall outlets put in with 20A fuses, just to power the PC's and the rest of the extras (one room is a office with multiple PC's plus extras, and the other is the Gaming/HTPC plus TV and extras in the entertainment room).