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HEXUS.gaming :: Warhammer 40,000 - Dawn of War 2 trailer
Check out the sequel to multi-million unit selling real time strategy series...
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And Nvidia's GeForce Now service becomes Xbox friendly (via updated Microsoft Edge).

He will take on the iconic role during the three 60-minute episodes aired later this year.

This SKU won't be going on sale but will be used for competition prizes and so on.
HEXUS Forums :: 4 Comments
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Oh, i like that. Sweeeeet.
just had to watch it at work with no sound, but still looks good. Will it require an upgrade for me, I wonder…
just had to watch it at work with no sound, but still looks good. Will it require an upgrade for me, I wonder…
I was a big fan andtouney player of Dawn of War when it first came out, didnts bother so much after the add-ons so a fresh take will be sorely overdue
I just hope they let you zoom out a bit further in this sequel…
I just hope they let you zoom out a bit further in this sequel…
yeah supcom has spoiled us there hasnt it?;34682 there is a mod to allow it on DOW but it would be nice to see it in DOW2 from the start