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Review: Cyberpower Infinity Achilles GT

by Parm Mann on 23 July 2013, 15:00

Tags: CyberpowerPC

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...this £1,900 Goliath is a showcase of what's possible when you put together some of the best CPU and GPU technologies that the PC industry has to offer.

Self-builders looking to piece together a gaming PC on a budget have been quick to look past 2013's latest components - and perhaps rightfully so. Recent enthusiast products have arrived with hefty price tags, and in many cases the performance increase over previous-generation parts hasn't been spectacular.

For most people, it makes sense to source a previous-generation Intel processor, overclock the heck out of it, pair it with a GTX 760 / Radeon HD 7950 and enjoy full-HD PC gaming for well under a grand.

Cyberpower's Infinity Achilles GT is not aimed at most people. Harnessing some of the latest and greatest components available to gamers, this £1,900 Goliath is a showcase of what's possible when you put together some of the best CPU and GPU technologies that the PC industry has to offer.

Performance, as expected, is exceptional, and Cyberpower's build quality is good throughout. However, with fierce competition among system integrators, today's extreme systems may need to offer more than sheer speed. Look past the headline components and you'll find a few shortcomings in the Infinity Achilles GT's base specification - including a lack of modular PSU and higher-than-anticipated noise levels. This, then, isn't yet the complete package, but Cyberpower's bountiful configuration options are such that it's an ideal high-performance starting point.

The Good

Looks formidable
Immense CPU and GPU performance
Healthy out-the-box CPU overclock
Abundant configuration options
Good build quality
No bloatware

The Bad

Non-modular PSU as standard
Not the quietest gaming PC

HEXUS Awards

Cyberpower Infinity Achilles GT

HEXUS Where2Buy

The Infinity Achilles GT gaming PC is available to configure and purchase from Cyberpower.

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At HEXUS, we invite the companies whose products we test to comment on our articles. If any company representatives for the products reviewed choose to respond, we'll publish their commentary here verbatim.

HEXUS Forums :: 7 Comments

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A totally defective build. No watercooling on the GPU, CPU running hot and fans too loud. A bit more effort, proper custom loop and it could have been much better
I am a little puzzled - if you're only going to cool the CPU, why not just fit an AIO like the H100i?

If you're going that far, what's another £80 for a GPU block?
Maybe a very petty comment. But £1900, and they cant even install the rear fan so “akasa” points the correct way up. Its not like installed the fan upside down to do a better job of hiding the cable, because its just dangling there with a twist tie as cable management…

And again, £1900, and they are using Cable ties to clamp the hoses onto the barbs. Surely they could stretch to some jubilee clips, or something more exotic like compression fittings.
Agreed Sim0n. It just seems sloppy all round. Aside from the other issues, I wouldn't touch this anyway because of the noise. For this kind of money, I expect the vendor to be taking noise issues seriously and thankfully most of the decent ones do.
Corsair CX? Great choice of PSU for a budget build, but in the guts of two grand's worth?