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Review: Synology Router RT1900ac

by Parm Mann on 9 February 2016, 16:12

Tags: Synology

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...Synology's knowledge of network products has proven that aesthetics and top-line performance aren't as important as the overall user experience.

Synology is a welcome newcomer to the world of home or office routers. The company's heritage in developing network storage solutions suggests that we shouldn't be surprised by the RT1900ac's fit-and-finish, yet for a first-ever router, the level of polish is an impressive feat.

But is there enough here to challenge the status quo? Synology's AC1900 hardware isn't cutting edge by today's standards, and while other router's are adopting more stylish designs, the RT1900ac's black chassis can be deemed relatively staid.

It is by no means the prettiest router on the market, yet Synology's knowledge of network products has proven that aesthetics and top-line performance aren't as important as the overall user experience. To this end, the RT1900ac's setup process and admin panel are, even at this early stage, among the best we've seen from a consumer router.

Borrowing heavily from the company's NAS operating system, the new Synology Router Manager software is without a doubt a key attraction. While competitors have a tendency to implement superfluous features you're unlikely to ever use, SRM's user-friendly approach makes available a wealth of features that you're inclined to explore. Traffic management, parental control and media server are all handled with aplomb, and Synology has laid a solid foundation on which future models can build.

The RT1900ac is a good bet for anybody in the market for a quality router, but a follow-up model with, say, an integrated modem and perhaps a 2.5in drive bay for built-in NAS duties, could really set Synology apart.

The Good
The Bad
Practical SRM operating system
Has features you'll actually want to use
Good wireless performance
App store has potential
Delivers a quality user experience
Not available with a built-in modem
Hardware not the prettiest

Synology Router RT1900ac


The Synology Router RT1900ac is available to purchase from Scan Computers.


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HEXUS Forums :: 6 Comments

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Very interesting and I'd probably buy one had i not bought a Buffalo for wireless ac recently.
Just seen the price, looks pretty tempting!
hexus review
The RT1900ac is a good bet for anybody in the market for a quality router, but a follow-up model with, say, an integrated modem and perhaps a 2.5in drive bay for built-in NAS duties, could really set Synology apart.


I only have one ac device, so don't feel the need to upgrade from a N box just yet - but an integrated 2.5 drive would be one of the features that would make an upgrade more compelling.
The optional stand looks good and I would like to try.
Seems like a good first go at a router. I have been really impressed with DSM operating system on our giant NAS at work. As the review said, they definitely would be on to something if they slapped a drive (or 2 for some RAID 1 style data protection) in there.