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Review: Intel D845PEBT2

by Ryszard Sommefeldt on 9 February 2003, 00:00 4.0

Tags: Intel (NASDAQ:INTC)

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I'll talk about the performance first to get that out of the way before focussing on more important things related to checking out a BT2 in your own system. Performance was exactly where it should be given the chipset, memory sticks and the processor driving the whole thing. Our benchmark suite highlights the effects of different memory technologies and the processor under the hood and keeping the R9700 Pro in all systems lets you see where an up to date DDR P4 system with the i845PE chipset should sit in the overall pecking order. Not right at the top but not at the bottom either. Solid performance with no blips to put you off using it.

So performance isn't the highlight when talking about the BT2, you should just accept that it will be fast without exactly setting your roof on fire.

The BT2 catches your eye in other ways. While it's one of the only Intel boards to offer any kind of system tweaking, it still doesn't go anywhere near the likes of an ABIT IT7-MAX2 in terms of letting you tweak your i845PE based system. So it's not a true enthusiasts board either. So what is it?

It's a high quality, fast, well presented DDR motherboard with an above average audio solution and excellent peripheral feature set. It's all about the features with the BT2 and it's got pretty much everything with Ethernet, SATA, Firewire, lots of USB2.0 and the affore mentioned SoundMAX hardware on the audio side.

Official DDR333 support is welcome too and overall Intel have an appealing board provided you don't want to tweak the living daylights out of things. The features make this board and they make it an appealing prospect for this reviewer and not a board you should overlook, provided it fits what you are looking for and those things are stability and features.


Features, features, features
Solid, quick performance
SoundMAX audio hardware


Not a tweakers board, up to you if that's a bad thing but it's a downside for this reviewer
Being an Intel board, you wont find it in the bargain bin, especially given the feature set



Intel for the sample and the 3.06 for testing
Pathway for my Radeon 9700 Pro sample

HEXUS Forums :: 33 Comments

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Always nice to see people with metal in their face like me ;)

Might look a bit better if you but a bcr through both piercings imo

and btw…………straighten that hat! ;)
A bcr?

I wanted a stud and a ring because otherwise it'd be too symmetrical ;)

The hat is always at an angle btw, personal touch :D
bcr = ring

fair enuff dude just wondered if you'd considered havin a ring through it :)
Nowt wrong with a touch of individuality imo, looks cool :cool:. Had to remove all mine when I got a desk job :(
Nowt wrong with a touch of individuality imo


How many teenagers have bits of metal hangin out of there faces these days because it makes them look individual and they want to stand out etc….

If its what u wanna do then fine…