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Review: ZOTAC GeForce GTX 480 AMP! - Fermi done properly

by Tarinder Sandhu on 4 June 2010, 08:01 4.0


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Final thoughts and rating

The ZOTAC GeForce GTX 480 AMP! is a well-overclocked Fermi-based card - 756MHz core/3,800MHz memory vs. 700MHz/3,696MHz for reference - that's very quiet in operation. How's that for an apparent oxymoron, folks?

ZOTAC has achieved what seemed practically impossible a couple of months ago by selecting the very best GTX 480 GPUs from NVIDIA and then cooling them with an aftermarket heatsink from Zalman.

Knowing the propensity of the GeForce 400-series line to run very hot, Zalman's cooler does an outstanding job in keeping both temperatures and noise in check - so much so that the real-world Battlefield: Bad Company 2 assessment shows it to be 20°C cooler than the reference model and, tellingly, the quietest card on test.

Backed by a five-year warranty and showing just how good GeForce GTX 480 can be, ZOTAC sets a high bar for other NVIDIA AIBs to follow. We hope that the package comes in at around £450, thereby providing competition for pre-overclocked HD 5870s, but fear it could inch closer to £500 when released to the channel, bringing the faster, albeit louder and inelegant, Radeon HD 5970 very much into focus.

One can spend £450-£500 on a graphics subsystem in more-efficient ways - two Radeon HD 5850s spring to mind - but there's clear merit in the strategy employed by ZOTAC for its fastest air-cooled GeForce card.

The good

Decent overclock out of the box
Overclocks much farther when pushed
Cooler does an excellent job in keeping GPU cool and fans quiet

The not so good

Etail price may be pushed up close to £500 by the time it's available
Twin Radeon HD 5850s will offer more performance for the same money

HEXUS Rating


ZOTAC GeForce GTX 480 AMP!

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ZOTAC GeForce GTX 480 AMP!

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HEXUS Forums :: 19 Comments

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The same problem as all the other fancy coolers. I want the air OUT OF THE CASE. Not blowing around the case.
The same problem as all the other fancy coolers. I want the air OUT OF THE CASE. Not blowing around the case.

I thought the same, but it is (surprisingly) incorrect. these coolers are perfect (more efficient than the standard exhaust style coolers) and don't affect the other temps, of course, good airflow in the case is essential.
I agree. The majority of gaming cases have numerous fans at the top and back of the case. Wouldnt it make sense to have the fan on the OTHER side of the board so it blew the air up and out of the case?
Interesting review, thanks Hexus. I'm amazed that a change of cooler is able to have such a big effect on this card - it looks an altogether much more viable alternative to the 5870 than the stock card (although the price may be too high by the sound of it).

Does make you wonder why the NV stock cooler is so bad though - they could have saved themselves from a significant chunk of the bad press they'd been getting if they'd released a card that was fairly hot but quiet, rather than very hot and very loud!
Does make you wonder why the NV stock cooler is so bad though - they could have saved themselves from a significant chunk of the bad press they'd been getting if they'd released a card that was fairly hot but quiet, rather than very hot and very loud!

yes but then they'd have a three slot single GPU cooler which at the time would have given them bad press