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Review: Coolermaster ATCS 220C

by David Ross on 31 January 2003, 00:00

Tags: Cooler Master

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Usage and Conclusion

So what’s the case like in use? Quite simply: excellent. Installing your system into the case is quick and easy due to the motherboard tray and there is ample room for all but the most demanding of power users. The only area of concern is that of the cooling – unlike the ATCS200, 201, 110 and 111 series, there are only two fans and no front intake fans. This was why, a year ago, I chose the ATCS201 over the ATCS210. However, since using this case it would appear it isn’t as big a concern as one might think – the temperatures in the case are still on a par with standard cases. I would say that the cooling in this case is adequate for all users except the extreme overclockers and those with a large number of fast disk drives – one area the ATCS200, 201, 110 and 111 series excel is hard drive cooling.


· Looks absolutely fantastic, you would struggle to find a more attractive case
· A style statement – everyone who sees the case comments on it
· Fantastic build quality
· Very easy to build into
· Lights look great
· Front door helps mask beige drives
· Lighter than usual cases – easy to carry to a LAN and sure to turn heads
· It’s a Cooler Master

· Price
· Airflow not quite as good the ATCS200/201/110/111 series.
· Fans are only sleeve bearing
· Some people may not like the door.

So, what do I think of this case? Quite simply, this case is fantastic. It’s one of the best looking cases Cooler Master have produced in recent years, it’s just full of class and it’s easy to build into. It’s very expensive, but is it worth it? Absolutely. If you can justify this amount of money on a case, then it’s perfect. I have no problems at all in wholeheartedly recommending this case.

HEXUS Forums :: 33 Comments

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GS cards overclock well iirc

think its a deal :)
how much is P&P with them ?
P&P £3.82 Recorded First Class 1-3 day on this item anyway.
Cool, thanks :)
Cool, thanks :)

Worth getting over my 9500 Pro ?