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Review: SilverStone Raven RV02 PC chassis - how does it stack up?

by James Smith on 11 November 2009, 23:09 3.55

Tags: SilverstoneTek, PC

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaur6

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Final thoughts and rating

SilverStone had a rather difficult job to do when designing the new Raven chassis, because the original Raven was, well, rather original. Putting minor gripes aside, the company has done a pretty good job with the Raven RV-02

That's not to say it doesn't have its bad points, of course. Minor annoyances include the lack of a removable motherboard tray, or the fact that the top 5.25in drive doesn't utilise a tool-less retention mechanism. Others, though, are more annoying.

For instance, the expansion cards have to be retained using screws, compounded by the lack of thumbscrews, and the power and reset switches can be pressed rather too easily - a design 'flaw' not present on the original model.

The good outweighs the bad, though. For example, the pretty decent thermal performance, anti-vibration mounts on the hard-drive cage, and the cut-out in the back of the motherboard tray are all useful and appreciated.

In addition there are several smaller details about the chassis which serve to endear you to it during use, such as the easily removable intake fan filters, the easily accessible fan-speed switches, as well as the many cut-outs in the motherboard tray to allow for tidy cabling.

On balance then, if you can live with its faults and limitations and are looking for a midi-tower chassis around the £100 mark, we reckon you should seriously consider the SilverStone Raven RV02B-W

HEXUS Rating

We consider any product score above '50%' as a safe buy. The higher the score, the higher the recommendation from HEXUS to buy. Simple, straightforward buying advice.

The rating is given in relation to the category the component competes in, therefore the SilverStone Raven RV02B-W is evaluated with respect to our 'mid-range components' criteria.


SilverStone Raven RV02B-W

HEXUS Awards

SilverStone Raven RV02B-W

HEXUS Where2Buy

The SilverStone Raven RV02B-W chassis is currently on sale from Scan.co.uk* for £103.44.

*As always, UK-based HEXUS.community discussion forum members will benefit from the SCAN2HEXUS Free Shipping initiative, which will save you a further few pounds plus also top-notch, priority customer service and technical support backed up by the SCANcare@HEXUS forum.

HEXUS Right2Reply

At HEXUS, we invite the companies whose products we test to comment on our articles. If any company representatives for the products reviewed choose to respond, we'll publish their commentary here verbatim.

External Links

Official Silverstone Raven RV02B-W product page

HEXUS Forums :: 7 Comments

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Bit of a late review for this case considering everyone else covered it months ago.

Can be had from Scan at Ā£90 from time to time on a daily special offer but still not worth it. Case is too bulky and has too many flaws. Alot of metal for your money though.
My god :) There is a huge air intake for the PSU at the back of the case
and the author complains that if you position the PSU backwards (so it
sucks in hot air from the CPU heatsink - brilliant idea sir) the velcro strip
obstructs the airflow…

I have some serious doubts about the author's competence.

Take care,
I love this case because dont have the STUPID IDIOT Silly and USELESS Toolessdesign , what is the problem to turn a screw every two or three years to swap a video card ? , only the reviewers love and need the STUPID toolessdesign because the reviewers swap all the hardware every day , but the case makers dont need to care about the opinion of the reviewers because the reviewers are just a small amount of hardware users that newer buy hardware ( they get the hardware for free ) therefore their opinion about hardware is useless
I love this case because dont have the STUPID IDIOT Silly and USELESS Toolessdesign , what is the problem to turn a screw every two or three years to swap a video card ? , only the reviewers love and need the STUPID toolessdesign because the reviewers swap all the hardware every day , but the case makers dont need to care about the opinion of the reviewers because the reviewers are just a small amount of hardware users that newer buy hardware ( they get the hardware for free ) therefore their opinion about hardware is useless

I have this case, has anyone install the corsair h50 in it
Quote ……" Minor annoyances include the lack of a removable motherboard tray "

I swer , I will never EVER buy a case with removeable motherboard tray ,