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AMD to pick away at vPro features

by Steve Kerrison on 20 July 2007, 10:52


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Word from Taiwan is that AMD's looking to take on Intel's Active Management Technology - part of vPro and Centrino Pro - with its own remote system management,diagnosis and repair platform.

According to Taiwanese technology website DigiTimes, sources at PC manufacturers over there are claiming that the new technology, currently named "Remote IT", will appear before the year is out.

The idea of iAMT - and if the sources are correct Remote IT - is to allow administrators access over the network to a workstation at a very low level, given them means to tweak BIOS settings, power cycle the machine and even poke around to see what state the OS is in.

The ideal of all this being, of course, that when a support call comes in, the administrator or technician can fix the problem without leaving their seat.

Neither Intel nor AMD has yet found a solution for remotely re-inserting removed power cords, however.

AMD Taiwan didn't give comment to DigiTimes, so we'll see if any more information comes forth during the next few weeks. Perhaps Remote IT is just the first step in a move to create an alternative to the whole vPro platform, again, we'll see.


DigiTimes - AMD to launch new enterprise management technology by year-end
HEXUS.tv - Proof that free-runners suck compared to iAMT.

HEXUS Forums :: 2 Comments

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Got to be said - I'm pretty impressed with vPro having used it several times now - it works well….

… It's interesting that AMD are really trying to go for the total platform approach…
I havent used it yet but the idea looks good in principal, as for AMD's version, I think they should get what they already have sorted before they try to go down other roads.