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Cray and Dell team up on baby supercomputer

by Sylvie Barak on 13 November 2009, 09:50

Tags: Dell (NASDAQ:DELL)

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The more super configuration swaps out the Quadro FX 380 for a 4800 and ups the ante on memory, storage and the processing side too, with 2.66 GHz Xeon X5550s.

Meanwhile, the most super version uses an Nvidia Quadro FX 5800 graphics card on the workstation blade and uses eight 2.93 GHz Xeon 5500 processors with 24GB of memory (6x 4GB DIMMS) per node, 160GB of disk per node and 4TB of storage.

Senior vice president of the productivity solutions group and marketing at Cray, Ian Miller, seemingly couldn't restrain himself from the rather cheesy declaration that "The Cray CX1-iWS put the ‘work' back in workstation," by being a "powerhouse of functionality."



"With this new product, Cray expects to provide HPC capability to a wide new audience that includes R&D groups in small and medium-size businesses, organisations needing to solve problems beyond the limits of traditional workstations, and people wanting to implement distributed HPC in the enterprise," he added.

The new Cray will now be added to the firm's Cray CX product series, which was launched back in July, 2009.

HEXUS Forums :: 11 Comments

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But, more importantly, does it play Crysis Warhead?
But, more importantly, does it play Crysis Warhead?

Crysis Warhead is less intensive than Crysis :P
Crysis Warhead is less intensive than Crysis :P

anyone that says anything other than “but does it play crysis” really doesn't get it
Folding anybody?
at $40k for the base version.. err, no ;)