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ASUS prepping Fusion-based mini-ITX motherboard

by Pete Mason on 12 August 2010, 13:43

Tags: ASUSTeK (TPE:2357), AMD (NYSE:AMD)

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We're getting closer to the arrival of AMD's Fusion APUs, and according to bit-tech, ASUS is gearing up for the launch with a mini-ITX motherboard based on AMD's first Fusion CPU-GPU combo.

Mighty Mini

The market for mini-ITX motherboards may not be huge, but they're ideal as the basis for small, low-power systems and home-theatre PCs.  While there are numerous boards designed for Intel's newest CPUs, the integrated graphics on these processors leave a lot to be desired.  There are plenty of alternatives equipped with NVIDIA's ION chipset, but they tend to be hamstrung by an accompanying Atom CPU.

Fusion looks like it will tread the middle ground between these two, which may just make it a perfect fit for HTPCs.  Leaked performance figures place the first of the new APUs about on par with an AMD Athlon II X2 250u and will handsomely outperform a dual-core Intel Atom D510.  All this is combined with a DX11-capable graphics core that should prove far more capable than Intel's integrated solution, while keeping a TDP of under 18W.

Cool Running

Stats like these make Fusion look ideal for a low-power system, whether it's perched on a desk or under a TV.  Such low-power figures might even allow for passive cooling, which would be a huge boon for home-theatre nuts.  Based on this news, it looks like that is exactly what ASUS is going for with this media-focused board.

We're not sure when this one might see the light of day, but you can certainly colour us interested.  Mini-ITX motherboards make a great base for a low-power HTPC or everyday system and Fusion-based chips certainly look like they fit the bill.  Of course, a lot will depend on how much a board like this will cost compared to the Atom-powered competition.

Is Fusion the future of the HTPC? Or will it just be an Atom in AMD colours? Let us know your thoughts in the HEXUS.community forums.

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Bring it on.. more HTPC competition is good. Might have enough grunt to do other stuff at same time too?
Good for competition but its an Athlon…
I think this is good for the HTPC end myself?

I mean its not going to play Crysis on full, but its not ment to, 18W TDP :)
Indeed - W7 media centers can run ION boards with atom with full 1080p decoding and that's the competitor here perhaps.
Not bad at all .. hmm - wonder if it's possible to mount one of these in an existing system with some jiggery pokery?