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O2 snags iPhone deal

by Steve Kerrison on 18 September 2007, 18:31

Tags: iPhone, Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL)

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Well, that's it. You'll have to look elsewhere for rumours. Surely with the announcement that O2 will be selling the iPhone in the UK, there can be no more rumours to come out of this product?

Today's announcement that the iPhone will come to the UK on the 9th November, via O2, is likely far from a surprise for most. The web was aware of who was likely to sell it back in July.

Of course, a lot has changed since then. The iPod Touch has been announced now, and we have witnessed Steve Jobs screw over the first two months worth of iPhone customers in the US, so can we expect as enthusiastic a launch here as there was in the US?

Probably... *sigh*.

Engadget reports that O2 will sell the iPhone for Ā£269 inc. VAT. Converting into USD, that means it's less of a do-over than at launch in the US, but over $100 more than the current US price.

But we're used to that here in Blighty.

It's still just an EDGE phone - no 3G yet. There are various price plans, some with unlimited data (although there's probably limit - you know how it is).

Remember, remember, the 9th of November.

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The only rumour left is that it will be a decent product|!
