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NVIDIA GTX 6xx Kepler rumoured to be in production

by Alistair Lowe on 29 February 2012, 10:37


Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qabdc5

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A story that slid somewhat under the radar with all the ongoings of MWC, website Fudzilla, reported at the end of last week, that NVIDIA Kepler products have swung into full production as close sources reveal that NVIDIA has at last spoken to partners, cluing them in on the cards' reference design.

This suggests that NVIDIA is on-track for an April release, where, as with the release of the 500-series, cards are likely to feature reference designs until partners have the chance to perfect non-standard offerings. Reports did also state that NVIDIA was receiving slightly low 28nm yields but that it was nothing on the scale of the 40nm Fermi production two years ago.

We're all eagerly awaiting to see what NVIDIA has to offer as we've all read some pretty crazy rumours in terms of performance and, whilst suggestions do strongly point towards the line-up outperforming AMD's current 7xxx-series offerings, we wonder just how long NVIDIA can wait whilst AMD is out selling cards; too much longer and AMD's 'Sea Islands' 8xxx series will be on the horizon.

HEXUS Forums :: 35 Comments

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I've put in a request to withdraw up to £500 from my ISA, which will be ready on, or before, the 30th of March, so I'm eagerly awaiting the next generation of cards :D

Bring on the GTX680!
Really hoping the rumours are true. I need a decent BF3 upgrade!
Just placed an order for my new rig but held off on the gfx card for this! Don't keep me waiting nvidia!!

Hope they bring out a card around the £350 - £370 mark that beats The 7950 as don't want to spend more than that.
I need a decent BF3 upgrade!

I bet you do with those monitors! 2560x1440, are they? :o
Just placed an order for my new rig but held off on the gfx card for this! Don't keep me waiting nvidia!!

I would have held off the whole thing as April will probably see Z75/77 boards, Ivy Bridge CPUs and Kepler GPUs.

I bet you do with those monitors! 2560x1440, are they?
