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QOTW: How much memory is inside your PC?

by Parm Mann on 23 October 2020, 16:31

Tags: Corsair, G.SKILL, Kingston, Crucial Technology (NASDAQ:MU), Team Group

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaeo6p

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It's been over four years since we last asked this question, so let's have a 2020 update. The memory landscape itself hasn't changed a great deal in subsequent years - DDR4 is still the standard with cheap-and-cheerful kits readily available - and you might argue that our needs haven't altered all that much, either.

I'm running 32GB of DDR4-3200 in my own desktop, and in truth that's possibly double what I actually need. How about you? Let us know how much memory is inside your PC using the comments facility below.

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16 GB, don't think there is an issue with that amount
A measly 64 GB ECC memory. Go big or go home. :D
16GB, never fully utilised and that's with pagefile turned off to reduce ssd writes.
Currently 32GB but that's not enough long term for 3D work imo, so next build is likely going to be 128GB. If I was just using the pc for games then 32GB would be plenty imo, mind you web browsing is getting pretty memory intensive these days lol.
Running 128GB in a dual socket mobo.. got another 12 memory slots to fill! It's good for most things, but large datasets slow it down.