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Details leak of HTC HD3

by Scott Bicheno on 16 March 2010, 12:46

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), HTC (TPE:2498)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qawmn

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The biggest mobile phone event of the year will probably be the launch of handsets based around Microsoft's new Windows Phone 7 (WP7) operating system.

Probably the most important handset partner will be HTC, not only because of its strong heritage in Windows Mobile, but because of its recent cozying-up to Google and the fact that it's become the focus of Apple's ire. In fact HTC is starting to look like the main proxy in the ongoing battle between the three tech giants.

The HTC HD2 is considered by most to be a pretty good effort at getting the best out of Microsoft's current OS and is considered a good indication of what HTC might do with WP7. Now, thanks to Chinese language site pconline.co.cn, we have some pretty convincing images and specs of its WP7 successor - the HD3.

Microsoft has specified some quite rigid parameters for the spec of phones running WP7, including the three hard keys, which means you won't be able to upgrade the HD2 to WP7. The first image from pconline below shows some specs. It's a bit hard to read, so here are the key ones. Note it seems to have fit a bigger screen into a smaller chassis:

  • 1.5 GB (GHz?) Qualcomm Snapdragon processor
  • Internal memory - 16 GB
  • Screen: 4.5 inch AMOLED multi-touch capacitive (800x1280)
  • Camera: 8 megapixel, dual LED flash, 720p video
  • Front camera
  • 4G
  • Dimensions: 115x65x10 mm, 160 g



HEXUS Forums :: 14 Comments

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By the time Im ready for upgrade there be soooo many choices, HD3 iphone arghhhh.
The specs are most definitely fake (even if the design is not).
The only supported resolution for WPS7 is 800x480. Post release a lower res will become avilable but there has been nothing announced regarding anything higher.
This is more in the “wish” department than the “news” one, Microsofts WP7S sole supported resolution is 800 x 480 which means this is most probably a fake, unfortunately :(. Also these “specs” have been circulating for a few months already.

edit: Damn you beat me to it :P