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Review: Doom 3

by Nick Haywood on 24 November 2004, 00:00

Tags: Doom 3 (PC), Activision (NASDAQ:ATVI), FPS

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I’ve been gaming for more years than I care to admit and in that time I’ve played widely praised corkers, I’ve loved undiscovered gems and I’ve loathed hyped up turkeys. Sadly, Doom 3 falls into the latter category. It’s by no means a BAD game, it’s just that its not a GOOD game.

This is a classic case of developer believing their own hype and going for style over content with an outdated idea of what drives the market. Sadder still, I can see various reviewers falling for the hype and hailing Doom 3 as the best thing since sliced baked produce. Sit the game along side the original and this is a stunning piece of gaming software. Play it alongside any of its contempories though, and its shortfalls soon become apparent. Far Cry, the closest, most recent game to compare Doom 3 to, does just about everything better. Sound, graphics, game design, immersion, interactivity… you name it, Far Cry does it better.

Footnote: It’s interesting to note that they are now several third party add-on programs that change some of the niggles I’ve brought up. You can download a fix to now have the torch duct-taped to your weapon, and another which stops enemies fading away once dead. These third party add-ons add a considerable amount to the gameplay and are well worth getting… but the cynic in me can’t help but ask why id didn’t include these options in the original game…

Superb Graphics engine
Beautifully rendered environments
Great effects
Genuinely scary in places
Doesn’t need an uber-machine to play (but will to get all the bells and whistles going)

Lacks depth
‘Run and gun’ idea has been done to death
Very linear
Very dark
Poor AI
Weak feeling weapons
‘Surprises’ become predictable

Overall: A superb graphics engine looking for a game.

HEXUS Forums :: 13 Comments

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There was no other platform that had any sort of first person shooter on it . . .
arrrgh. not true. bungie released pathways into darkness for Macs in ‘93. and then marathon came out in ’94 and put doom and doom 2 to shame. so there.

the rest of the review was great, though- i thought it was a very fair evaluation of doom 3 the game instead of page upon page of drooling over doom 3 the game engine . . . .
lol, in that case, lets take in Robocop 3 on the Amiga… that was before them too!

/note to self… research Macs too…

dammit! :D
If we can stretch to ‘94 that was when the original system shock came out :) Although it’s a bit more of an adventure. Sit this game aside many contempory games and they pale in comparison. No comparison is ever made however…..
Loved this review!!

its EXACTLY how I saw the game.. But you didnt comment on how weak and slow shooting the plasma gun was :(
Thats odd, I thought the plasma rifle was the best weapon in the game. It seemed pretty powerful against most enemies, fairly accurate and with an ammo load thta'd let you take down a few baddies before needing a re-load….

The chaingun and machine gun felt pretty useless compared to it. The machine gun seemed desperately underpowered and only good for the early zombies or the skull crabs… but it was the one thing that there always seeemd to be extra ammo for in the later levels.