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Review: [PC] Rainbox Six 3: Raven Shield

by David Ross on 27 April 2003, 00:00

Tags: Strategy

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qarb

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I would have to say, at the end, that this isn't a game for everybody, as the required attention to detail in the planning phase and frustration factor brought on by not being able to save the game in-mission in the action phase will put off a fair proportion of the FPS crowd. But then, having said that, I don't think that it's ever really been the FPS fans that buy these games (I'm a bit of an exception) and for the type of person that liked the other Tom Clancy, and Tom Clancy-esque games I believe that this will be an absolute must-buy. About the only thing that I think to criticise seriously in this game is the fact that even though I missed out on the games between Rainbow Six: Covert Ops and Raven Shield, and that a fair few years have elapsed since I last played Covert Ops, it all still seems rather samey. Although to be fair, when you buy a Rainbow Six game you're already going to have a pretty good idea what you're getting so maybe I'm being a little harsh. So despite the criticisms, this game gets an 8/10 because it really couldn't be a lot better if you like this sort of thing. And I do.