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SPORE slips to 2009

by Steven Williamson on 20 June 2007, 10:17

Tags: SPORE, Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:EA), PC, Simulation

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Will Wright's unique creation delayed

It was originally pencilled in for a 2006 Quarter 4 release date on PC, the date then slipped to fiscal year 08 and now EA has confirmed that SPORE won't be released until fiscal year 09!

There's been plenty of videos on the net showing SPORE at various stages of development and the ambitious game looked set to be on track, which begs the question 'What exactly has gone wrong?'

At E3 last year it won the 'Overall best game' award, the audience were impressed by the visionary appetite of creator, Will Wright.

At E3 Will told us that, "Players begin by controlling a mere single-cell organism, steering it through the hostile primordial ooze. A character editor allows players to add a spike or stump to their creature and let it mate so that it can evolve. After a few generations, the organism is multicellular, and the game plays like an early 3-D action title. Then the evolving creature steps on land and stars in a colorful game of survival of the fittest. Players control the species and then, as civilization develops, the game turns into a simplified "SimCity." Eventually comes a phase that mirrors the strategy of the society-building game "Civilization," followed by the discovery of UFOs, which allows the exploration, colonization or destruction of worlds in a view that zooms out to ultimately include an entire universe. If that's not ambitious enough, the creatures and worlds created within one copy of "Spore" will be transmitted to an online database that will disseminate them to the universes of players around the world."

Since its announcement, SPORE has generated enormous interest, but fans will be wondering whether it will ever see the light of day.

HEXUS Forums :: 14 Comments

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Forget it. Thats too many delays and I have totally lost faith in the concept now.
Bleeding heck. Well I wasn't exactly holding out for this, so I'll just look for it when it comes - I'd rather it was amazing than something rushed and didn't quite get there.
I xan see what you mean but everyone will have moved on by then, the ideas and stuf may well have surpassed
Aww… I was looking forwards to playing this game ever since I saw the video's with Robin Williams from E3 :(
wow, seems quite early to put the release date back that much. I wonder what has (or hasn't) happened.