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Gun and Call of Duty on Steam

by Steven Williamson on 13 October 2006, 09:16

Tags: Call Of Duty, Activision (NASDAQ:ATVI), PC

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Activision have announced that they will be bringing GUN, Call of Duty: United Offensive and Call of Duty 2 to Steam, the game download service.

"As broadband penetration continues to grow worldwide, offering our titles digitally to the millions of gamers connected through Steam makes sense to us,"said Dave Anderson, Activision senior director of business development in the announcement release.

This follows on from the news that two large US online retailers have also launched a download service for games this week. EB Games and Gamestop are hoping they can cash in on the trend for online downloads.

Activision are yet to announced the date when the games will be available.

HEXUS Forums :: 3 Comments

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with the recent collapse of triton (http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/prey/your-triton-asplode-prey-downloaders-screwed-206367.php), steam is the long-established, “proven” system with high profit margins and low risk

i think we'll see more of this
Would be nice if everyone adopted just a couple of distribution methods, though I fear each software company will make their own.

In fact they are already at it…Steam, EA's one, Adobe Download Manager (though not as concise it seems to be building up to something more robust).