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Titanfall runs at 792p on Xbox One but looks ropey next to PC?

by Mark Tyson on 13 February 2014, 17:02

Tags: Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:EA), PC

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qacap5

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Last week some screenshot comparisons, showing the difference in quality between upcoming blockbuster mech game Titanfall on Xbox One and PCs, were published. These differences have apparently been creating quite a stir as the alpha build, from which they were taken, showed stark differences between the low resolution textures used on the next-gen console compared to the PC.

Hopefully the beta version on the Xbox One will fare better than the alpha in the above screenshot (click to enlarge)

Respawn responded and explained that the textures on the Xbox One were downsized to facilitate fast download/distribution of the test alpha build but would be improved for the finished version of the game. Following Respawn's reassurances -the drama seems to be over - but people are now also questioning what resolution the game will play at on the Xbox One.

792p, aiming for 900p, upscaled to 1080p

It was confirmed yesterday by Abbie Heppe, Community Manager at Respawn, that Titanfall currently runs at 792p on the Xbox One. Heppe said she hoped that the game would potentially run at a 900p native resolution once finalised. Also perhaps still frames from the Xbox One versions aren't helped by the fact that the developers intend to run the game at 60fps on the system to keep action flowing fluidly.

The prioritisation of frame-rate over resolution isn't the only problem though. Eurogamer reports that the "implementation of an overly sharp filter across the entire image," does the imagery no favours. However this too might well be addressed by the final release, as The Verge informs us that Respawn is working with Microsoft on ways to improve the Xbox One's hardware scaler.

Meanwhile in a "fresh footage" video comparison on VG247 yesterday, both Xbox One and PC versions of the game don't look too hot, possibly due to YouTube compression and frame rates.

Beta opens tomorrow, sign up today

If you have either a PC or Xbox One you can now sign up for the "large scale" beta test program. If you have an Xbox One you will hopefully see that some of the quality issues, touched upon above, have been ironed out, or just have a lot of fun anyway. Beta test players will have access to three Titanfall game modes and two maps. Please sign up before midnight tomorrow.

Some PC owners have got early access to the beta already, as the game is downloadable as soon as you get your beta key. Please be aware that the PC Origin download is 12.3GB.

HEXUS Forums :: 32 Comments

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pc version looks ropey as well.
The people playing an Xbox One look ropey too.
So, Xbox Two and Playstation 5 out in 2 years then ?
PC has always been better choice for gaming…
That actually looks like something way more than a resolution change. It's almost like the lighting solution isn't working correctly / there is a problem with the lightmaps. Very strange.