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Duke Nukem Forever release date set back yet again

by Steven Williamson on 24 March 2011, 11:58

Tags: 2K Games (NASDAQ:TTWO), FPS

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You may have waited 13 years to see the return of Duke Nukem in May, but you're going to have to wait a little longer.

2K Games and Gearbox Software had told us that Duke Nukem Forever would definitely make its long-awaited debut for the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC on May 3, but that's now not going to be the case, as Gearbox's Randy Pitchford delivers the news that most of us probably expected anyway - Duke Nukem Forever will be delayed yet again. Via YouTube Footage, Pitchford reveals that the game will now ship on June 10 Internationally and June 14 in North America.

"I'm very sorry for the added delay," says Pitchford. We've all been working extremely hard and are very eager to deliver the game to you."

At least Randy has a sense of humour about it...

HEXUS Forums :: 4 Comments

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You have to laugh xD

Although I love the quote on OXM website:

“This could be the only game your dad was looking forward to as a kid”
Pitchfork? Randy Pitchfork…

Is it intentional sir?
Pitchfork? Randy Pitchfork…

Is it intentional sir?

It's most likely a PR stunt, hell 13 years of delays and then gearbox/2k games announce another delay. It's funny though reading the comments and watching people rage over it lol
But it says Pitchford on the video caption!

Pitchfork def sounds better though.