Available today for both PC and Mac, the Spore Creature Creator is billed as a creativity toy box where players create their own unique creatures, bring them to life with entertaining animations, and share them online with friends around the world.
A free trial version of the Spore Creature Creator is available today at www.spore.com, while the full version of the Spore Creature Creator will soon be available in the UK as a pre-order incentive from EA Store and select retailers.
The trial version features 25% of the creature-making parts from Spore and lets players shape, paint and play with their custom-created creatures. Creatures made in the Spore Creature Creator can also be imported into the full Spore game, allowing players to populate their own galaxies when the game ships worldwide later this year.
The Spore Creature Creator lets players create their own creatures, take them on a test drive, snap pictures, and make movies of them. Sharing pictures or videos with friends is as easy as the click of a button. Players can also share their creations with others by uploading to the Sporepedia at www.spore.com. The Sporepedia is a vast online destination where people worldwide can search for and share Spore creations, comment on other player’s designs, check out celebrity creature creations and much more.

The ability to upload players’ creations to YouTube has also been integrated into the Spore Creature Creator. Players can import and upload video of their creatures' moves directly to YouTube with only two clicks within the game. Spore will have its own YouTube Channel where all videos of users' creations uploaded from the game will be showcased for the YouTube community to watch, share, rate and comment on. Check it out at http://youtube.com/spore.
Spore will be on sale for the PC, Mac, Nintendo DS and mobile phones on September 5, 2008 in Europe and September 7, 2008 in North America and Asia.