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Games industry holds rare kit auction

by Sarah Griffiths on 25 March 2011, 12:00

Tags: General Business

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Gaming goodness

Some of the biggest players in the gaming industry have joined forces to raise cash in a bid to help victims of the terrible earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

The Play for Japan fundraising effort has seen publishers, writers and developers in the games industry donate some really rare items, bundles, signed games and artwork to help with the massive clean-up effort, The Independent has reported.

As well as signed copies of popular games such as Modern Warfare 2, Metal Gear Solid 1-3 and Heavy Rain, there are also more unusual items available to generous bidders and gaming enthusiasts.

A quick look at the Play for Japan website shows some stunning Darksiders artwork, a Football Manager engraved iPod touch, Bayonetta costume and Kinect bundle available, among other offerings such as life-sized statues and customised consoles.

There are different closing dates for different items on the site and eBay is used for the auction process.

According to the newspaper, a highly collectable Nintendo DS autographed by Mario's creator, Shigeru Miyamoto among others fetched an impressive £4,000 when bids closed on 21 March.

The gaming industry has apparently already dug deep and companies with roots in Japan have contributed to the relief effort with generous donations reportedly coming from Nintendo, Sega, Sony, Konami and Square Enix.

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