What have they done to Fable 3? Project Natal exclusive?
by Steven Williamson
on 8 February 2010, 11:58
Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT),
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Molyneux says that at Microsoft's X10 event which kicks off later this week, he'll be revealing some major things about Fable 3 that are "going to really upset people."
"There's some very, very big things happening in Fable," says Molyneux. "Bigger than you think, and it's going to really upset people... they're going to get super pissed off, they really are."
What announcement could he make that could possibly piss us off?
At first we thought that the RPG may be taking a totally different course, even switching genres - after all Lionhead Studios were behind the strategy series, Black & White. However, it's already come forward to say that this isn't the case. We then thought that perhaps its leaving the fantasy world of Albion to take us to a totally different setting, but early concept art suggests otherwise.
Here's what we think it is:
We've been watching videos of Peter Molyneux talking about Fable 3 over the past year and one thing that he keeps bringing up is emotion and how important emotional response will be in Fable 3. Microsoft's upcoming sensor, Project Natal, can detect facial expressions and emotion in your voice. Would it not make sense then that Fable III will be the first major title to showcase this technology when it launches later this year?
The only thing we don't quite understand is why this would piss gamers off? Well, maybe it's because it would be the beginning of the end to traditional console RPGs and the emergence of brain-sucking technology that some people don't particularly want or trust. Plus it would mean that you'd have to buy Fable III with Project Natal, which isn't going to be cheap.
That's about the best we can come up with, any ideas what the announcement could be?